Email Us: aspiringauthors@alphapublisher.com.
Call Us: 804-892-4569.
Welcome to the 1st Stage of your publishing journey. In this stage, 2 members of our Editing Team will conduct an extremely valuable editorial assessment of your manuscript. They will read through the entire manuscript and provide thoughtful, in-depth feedback concerning elements such as spelling, grammar, plot, characterization, structure, consistency, and style. Alpha Book Publisher offers the MOST AFFORDABLE editing rates. For more info about our All-In-One Editorial Assessment, you may click the following link: Editing Your Book.
Service Department: Professional Editing Team
Initial Turnaround Time: 1-2 business days (Assignment period) + 21 regular days (Timeframe)
Revision Requests: 3-5 weeks, or earlier. This turnaround time may or may not take longer, depending on the length of the book, complexity of revision requests, and author response time.
Overall Turnaround Time: 1-2 months. The overall turnaround time may or may not take longer, depending on the length of the book, length of the revisions requested, the complexity of revisions and author response time. Expedited Services subject to expedited fees are available, allowing you to reduce the overall turnaround time by nearly half.
Are you looking for editing only WITHOUT a publishing plan or do you need more edits to your manuscript? Check out the prices below:
What is an editorial credit? An editorial credit is equivalent to one correction made on a manuscript. Alpha Book Publisher charges $1.00 per every 3 corrections made on your manuscript. As a result, if you authorized our Professional Editing Team to make 30 corrections on your manuscript, the cost of service would be $10.00 for the 30 corrections. Authorizing $20.00 of editing credits? 60 corrections.
$50 of editing credits? = 150 corrections.
$100 of editing credits? = 300 corrections.
$200 of editing credits? = 600 corrections.
$500 of editing credits? = 1,500 corrections.
Standard Turnaround Time
50 - 680 editing credits = 12 business days
681+ editing credits = 18 business days
Expedited Turnaround Time & Fees
50 - 680 editing credits = 5 business days. Fee: $79.99
681+ editing credits = 5 business days. Fee: $129.99
The Alpha Publishing Team will send you an Illustrations template in a Word Doc File or Google Form.
The Illustrations Template will allow you to provide all the information needed for your illustrator to get started. Simply fill out the Illustrations Template, and email it back to us.
We assign the template to an illustrator of our Design & Illustrations Team.
The assigned Illustrator will verify the template and use it as a guide to creating the FIRST DRAFT of your illustration. Once completed, the FIRST DRAFT is sent to you for your review.
If you approve the FIRST DRAFT of your illustration, then it automatically becomes a FINAL DRAFT.
You can also request changes to the illustration, what we call revision requests, until it becomes a FINAL DRAFT.
Service Department: Design & Illustrations Team
Initial Turnaround Time: 2-3 business days (Assignment period) + 7-8 business days (Timeframe)
Revision Requests: 1-3 weeks, or earlier. This turnaround time may or may not take longer, depending on how many illustrations, their complexity, and author response time*
Overall Turnaround Time: 3-4 weeks or earlier. The overall turnaround time may or may not take longer, depending on how many illustrations and their complexity, author response time.
Front Cover Illustration (Unlimited Revisions) = $59.99 *INCLUDED ON ALL PUBLISHING PLANS*
Back Cover Illustration (Unlimited Revisions) = $59.99 *Included on the Classic Plan & Up*
Back Cover Design (Background Color & Text) = $29.99 *INCLUDED ON ALL PUBLISHING PLANS*
Black & White = as low as $49.99.
Full Color (Regular Books) / Premium Color (Children's Books) = as low as $79.99
5-10 illustrations - 5% discount
11-15 illustrations - 7.5% discount
16-20 illustrations - 10% discount
21-30 illustrations - 12.5% discount
31+ illustrations - 15% discount
Contact us today to get started with the illustrations of your book. The Alpha Publishing team will generally respond within 3-5 business days. Expedited Services subject to expedited fees are available, allowing you to reduce the overall turnaround time by nearly half.
Once our above-mentioned Service Departments have finished with your manuscript editing and book cover designs, members of the Alpha Publishing Team will conduct unique and professional formatting of your book using cutting-edge, online technology.
Service Department: The Alpha Publishing Team
Initial Turnaround Time: 1-2 business days (Assignment period) + 15 business days (Timeframe)
Revision Requests: 3-4 weeks, or earlier. This turnaround time may or may not take longer, depending on how many illustrations, their complexity, and author response time*
Overall Turnaround Time: 6-8 weeks or earlier. The overall turnaround time may or may not take longer, depending on how many illustrations and their complexity, author response time. Expedited Services subject to expedited fees are available, allowing you to reduce the overall turnaround time by nearly half.
Welcome to Stage 4 of your Book Publishing Journey. During this stage, we will assign your book a unique International Standard Book Number. Like DNA is to your body, an ISBN is to your book. After you're assigned an ISBN for your paperback or hardcover, we then set up your book for physical copies. Once this process is complete, you receive a shipment of the first test copy. Standard shipping is included on all the publishing plans. Expedited shipping fees are separate charges, but optional.
If all looks good, you send us an email so we can go ahead and move on to Stage 5: Book Publication.
If you find any error in your test copy, let us know and your book will be updated within 7-10 business days.
The 2nd Test copy shipment will then be processed.
Test copies are not refundable, they are part of the total books allocated to a specific publishing plan.
Service Department: The Alpha Publishing Team
Initial Turnaround Time: 1-2 business days (Assignment period) + 15 business days (Timeframe)
Revision Requests: 2-4 weeks, or earlier. This turnaround time may or may not take longer, depending on how many illustrations, their complexity, and author response time*
Overall Turnaround Time: 4-8 weeks or earlier. The overall turnaround time may or may not take longer, depending on how many illustrations and their complexity, author response time. Expedited Services subject to expedited fees are available, allowing you to reduce the overall turnaround time by nearly half.
Welcome to the Final Stage of your Book Publishing Journey, the moment of truth and excitement.
During this stage, the Alpha Publishing Team will make final preparations of your manuscript and submit your book for publication to the following distribution channels:
1. The Alpha Book Publisher Bookstore
2. Amazon
3. Google
4. Barnes and Noble
Your book can be made available as an eBook, Paperback, and/or Hardcover.
And the best part is? You retain 100% ownership of the book even after it has been published.
Service Department: The Alpha Publishing Team
Initial Turnaround Time: 1-2 business days (Assignment period) + 10-15 business days (Timeframe)
Revision Requests: 1-2 weeks, or earlier. This turnaround time may or may not take longer, depending on how many illustrations, their complexity, and author response time*
Overall Turnaround Time: 3-4 weeks or earlier. The overall turnaround time may or may not take longer, depending on how many illustrations and their complexity, author response time. Expedited Services subject to expedited fees are available, allowing you to reduce the overall turnaround time by nearly half.