Founded in 1973, McFarland Publishing is an American independent book publisher located in Jefferson, North Carolina. The company specializes in general-interest adult nonfiction and reference works. It is primarily geared toward libraries and academic work, although it also publishes books on subjects ranging from travel to children's literature. The company's president is Rhonda Herman.
Primary market sector is libraries
Amongst the plethora of publishers, McFarland has a well deserved reputation for producing top notch reference works and scholarly monographs. Its 6000 titles are split between print and electronic formats. The company has a clear path to future success with the likes of its top dogs, including a slew of new titles in the works.
The company's main claim to fame is their hefty catalog of scholarly monographs, many of which are available in ebook formats, such as the popular Kindle or the more affordable Nook. This is a good thing, as the ebook format has a well documented track record of quality and reliability. The company is also known for its well curated selection of fiction and nonfiction titles for serious readers. McFarland specializes in a wide range of topics including history, philosophy, philosophy of science, philosophy of art, psychology, religion, sociology, political science, economics, science, and technology.
The company has also a reputation for producing the best looking reference books in the industry. Their products are printed on acid free strong opacity paper, and bound with extra strong cloth. They also boast the world's largest catalog of scholarly monographs and reference works. The company has been around since 1979.
Pays 8 percent of net receipts
Founded by a pair of librarians, McFarland Publishing, based in Cincinnati, Ohio, isn't short on smarts. While its books may not be selling in droves, the company's wares are usually a solid moneymaker. In fact, it is the most profitable of all the independent publishers of its kind. The company has published 150 titles over the past year. The company is led by the founder's son, who worked at Scarecrow Press in New Jersey before deciding to make his mark on the book business.
Its low overhead and small staff mean that the company has no trouble squeezing in the latest titles on its list. To wit, the company publishes about one book a day. Most titles are subcontracted out to other publishers, but the company does have a small number of titles on its own. The company does not disclose its profits, but it's best to assume it's in the black. Its best sales are to library patrons. In fact, the company sells its books for a smaller discount to libraries than they do to retail customers. Its books are also available for sale through a small but growing number of online retailers.
The company also has a well-stocked warehouse, which helps to make it an ideal supplier of books on the cheap. The company is a relative of the big dogs in the book business, but the CEO, a self-proclaimed book nerd, has always been a lover of the written word.
Accepts book proposals
Those looking for an opportunity to publish a book might consider submitting a book proposal to McFarland Publishing. This nonfiction publisher specializes in books on a wide range of subjects. It also accepts edited collections of essays and multi-contributor manuscripts. It does not offer advances to authors. It pays a good royalty to authors.
McFarland's primary market is libraries. It's a good idea to check whether the publisher has published books by popular authors in your subject area. If so, you may have met the editors at conferences. You should also consider if the book you're submitting has a unique premise or fills a void in the market.
It's important to address your query and proposal to a specific editor. McFarland relies heavily on reviews from scholarly journals. If the book you're submitting doesn't fit the publisher's list, they may ask you to contact them again.
McFarland publishes nonfiction on a wide range of topics, including popular topics in serious scholarly fashion. Most books by McFarland exceed expectations. It's a good idea to read other books on your subject to make sure you know how to write for the market. It's also a good idea to consider the issues readers face.
If you're an unagented author, you'll want to read the submission guidelines to see if the publisher requires a subvention from the author. If so, you'll need to provide permissions. If you don't have permissions, you should submit a photocopy of the manuscript.
In addition to submitting a book proposal, you'll need to provide a short bio and sample chapter. You can also submit a table of contents. This is your chance to convince the acquisition editor that your book will be a good fit for their list.
While you don't receive an advance, you'll have a fair deal of control over the manuscript and production. The publishing company manufactures books to the specifications of libraries. You'll also receive 30 review copies of most titles. The best way to pitch a book proposal is face to face with the editor. You'll also need to give permissions and provide illustrations.
Founded by Robert McFarland Franklin
Founded by Robert McFarland Franklin in 1979, McFarland is one of the leading academic nonfiction publishers in the United States. Its publications include popular culture, history, military, and statistical works. McFarland publishes 400 new titles each year.
McFarland's core market is libraries. Libraries buy books at a much lower price than bookstores, giving McFarland a better margin. However, Amazon has generated a large portion of McFarland's business, and McFarland is worried about Amazon's pricing pressure. In fact, Amazon listed all of McFarland's titles last year, generating 70 percent of McFarland's retail sales.
McFarland has published more than 4,000 books in print. Each title is a serious work in a popular field. In fact, McFarland books have won awards for their outstanding academic titles.
Most McFarland titles are printed with the best typography and design. They are bound with extra-strong cloth. They are also printed on acid-free, strong opacity paper. They are edited with care. Generally speaking, McFarland books are solid moneymakers.
While larger New York publishing houses are in a slump, they are chasing proven winners and have little interest in publishing less popular themes. Independent niche publishers are taking advantage of this exploding market. McFarland's books are a reflection of this philosophy.
In addition to its academic books, McFarland publishes a variety of other types of publications. Some of these include sports, automotive history, performing arts, and statistical works. All of the books are edited with care and meet the highest demands.
McFarland is the largest publisher of academic textbooks in the US. Its titles include books on military history, classical champions, and statistical works. Most titles are published simultaneously in print and ebook editions. The best design, typography, and editing are standard for McFarland. They are considered keepsake books. They are also highly sought-after by enthusiasts.
In 2016, McFarland launched Exposit Books, a new series that combines popular nonfiction topics with a serious approach. The series also includes biographies of classical champions and chess books. Its main office is in Jefferson, North Carolina.
McFarland books are considered keepsake books, since they are often regarded as the best printing available. They are also praised for their readability-oriented editing and design.