Company Name:Boaz Publishing
Date Founded: 1987
Founder: Tom Southern and Elizabeth Vahlsing
Headquarters Address: n/a
Country of Origin: United States of America. North America.
Business Category: Book Publisher, Publishing, Multimedia & electronic book publisher
Genre: Fiction, Nonfiction, Memoir, Comics, Planner, Children’s Books
Reviews: n/a
Social Media Account Links: __Facebook. Twitter. Youtube. Instagram. Linkedin.
Bookstore: n/a
Hours Of Operation: 8am - 5pm Pacific Time
Primary Language: English US
Wikipedia Page:n/a
Email: n/a
Phone Number: (510) 220-6336
Address: 968 Ordway Street, Albany, CA 94706
Annual Revenue: ($0-100k)
Number of Employees: {1-9}
Areas Served: United States
Products & Services: eBooks, Paperback, Publishing, Editing, Formatting, Printing
Parent Organization:n/a
Imprint: n/a
About the Company:
Boaz Publishing Company was founded in 1996 by Tom Southern and Elizabeth Vahlsing in Albany, California. We publish fiction, poetry, and general non-fiction for sale through the book trade to general interest readers.
We publish opportunistically, whenever we discover a good match between author and publisher. Just as ancient Boaz discovered Ruth gleaning the alien corn, we are moved to publish when we discover great beauty in underappreciated manuscripts.
Our books are distributed to the book trade by New Harbinger Publications. Visit them at and ask for our books at your local bookstore.
We do not accept unsolicited manuscripts at the present time. We can be reached by email:
Tom and Elizabeth