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Anhai Roantree - Intern

A Little Bit About Me

My name is Anhai Roantree and I am currently seeking a Bachelor’s degree in English from George Washington University. My academic pursuits also include a minor in creative writing. The academic experiences I have gained through this have inspired me to delve deeper into the creative writing world, but I have also had irreplaceable experiences in the writing world through my own personal interest.

Through all of these experiences I have gained an interest in the process behind creating stories and books. I want to be a part of making publication accessible to writers who want to share their unique experiences. I am interested in the different ways that things can be expressed through writing—different forms within poetry, imagery, metaphors, and anything else. This is why I am passionate about entering the world of writing and publishing.

In particular, I have aspirations to be a writer of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction. I have

taken related coursework such as “Introduction to Creative Writing”, “Fiction Writing” and “Readings in Creative Writing” to develop my writing skills. I plan to further expand the coursework I take related to this in the coming years.

I am also interested in entering the publishing world, through editing or whatever I can get my

hands on. I want to be a part of distributing the brilliant, creative and diverse work that is out there in the world. I have a passion for editing that I have discovered through my “Fiction Writing” course when we edited our own and each others’ work. I discovered a passion for helping others bring out the message they are trying to portray in their work as well as a gratification when they found my advice worthwhile.

I have also had editing experience through being an Assistant Editor for my university’s literary

magazine, Capitol Letters. I help choose works to include in the magazine as well as edit those that are chosen. It has been inspiring to see the work of those within my university’s community, and it has led me to want to bring out the voices in my community as a career. I hope that my passion and skills will one day make a difference in the literary world.


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