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Anne Marie - Intern

 Devon Burton Intern at Alpha Book Publisher

Hello, I’m Anne Marie! I started my education off with a BA In Literary Studies  and a BA in Creative Writing, finishing off with an MA in Linguistics. During my  undergraduate years, I chose to write a novella as my senior project. It was a  retelling of Adam and Eve where Eve met Lilith and began a queer relationship  that ultimately brought the downfall of Eden, a change proven to be for the better.  For my Linguistic culminating experience, I wrote of how metaphors were used in  academic discourse of California’s Proposition 8, and focused on the use of five  different metaphors. 

I was compelled to enter into this career field because I had an interest in  storytelling from youth that provided me with a safe way to engage with people  and environments without ridicule. As an undiagnosed autistic child, I could  participate without the expected social performance and it helped guide me  through young development as well as provide comfort during a lonely period of  life. Later, it continues to be a source of joy that stems from love rather than fear  of my found community. 

My hope from this internship is that I will learn the steps necessary so that I  may assist writers in their endeavor to publish their stories and provide said  stories to the ones who need to hear them. Whether that need be entertainment, knowledge, or comfort. My favorite genres range from romance and fantasy, to  contemporary as well as historical fiction, to my new found love of cozy thrillers. I  aim to continue expanding my love and knowledge across all genres of writing. 


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