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Ashley Toomey - Intern

A Little Bit About Me

I have completed a Bachelor of Arts degree in Creative Writing and Publishing/Editing at Susquehanna University. I graduated in May of 2021 with Summa Cum Laude honors, ending my university career with a 3.88 GPA overall. This has shaped my interest in writing and publishing into an achievable goal. University allowed me to hone my craft and work within specific genres and/or styles of not only creative writing, but professional writing as well. The university offered a Publishing/Editing major as well, which gave me insight into what it was like to work within the Publishing industry, such as operating as a small press, or creating mock-up splash pages for a newspaper.

What inspired me to pursue an internship with Alpha Book Publisher is that I have been attempting to enter the Publishing industry since I graduated in May 2021, and a lot of the publishing houses say that you need more experience or internships for entry level positions. I intend to gather the experience from the internship so that I may gain an entry-level position in the Publishing industry. In addition, I have wanted to become a published author since I was a young child, so being able to publish a book is a dream come true.

My favorite specific genre is undoubtedly young adult romance and/or fantasy. I’ve enjoyed reading as well as writing in that genre as most of the novels I’ve been working on fall within that genre/subgenre. I could most certainly contribute to the industry in these areas by being an expert on those kinds of books, how to edit them, and what to include in them to be captivating to an audience. A topic in Publishing that I’m the most interested in is editing manuscripts, as editing is the main career path I’d like to follow in the industry.

The long-term career goals that I have in the publishing field are to start off at an entry-level editorial position at a publishing house and work my way up in the company to senior-level editing positions. I could make a significant impact in the industry by developing and releasing books that have been polished and edited to perfection.

I have had two other internships as well as a contract position. One internship was being the Social Media Manager of Susquehanna University’s Publishing/Editing department, where I took over their Facebook and Twitter, developing engaging posts for students and faculty in the program. The other internship, I developed a website using Wix so that Susquehanna University’s undergraduate nonfiction literary magazine Essay could publish student works online. Recently, I also held a contract position for about a month with wikiHow where I was writing and editing how-to articles involving technology topics. These have influenced my passion and aspirations by making me more involved in areas that are typically not thought about when it comes to publishing, such as social media marketing, online publishing, as well as article composition and editing.

A flash nonfiction piece of mine was published on the website I created for Susquehanna University’s undergraduate nonfiction literary magazine called Essay. It was titled “Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep” and was about seeing my grandfather after he’d passed away. The piece can be accessed at In addition, I received a Dalton Scholars Certificate for presenting pieces of creative writing in a seminar. As mentioned previously, I graduated from Susquehanna University with Summa Cum Laude honors with an overall GPA of 3.88.


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