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Audrey Gunawan - Intern

A Little Bit About Me

My name is Audrey, and I am going into my senior year of high school. I have always been a high-achieving student with a love for books. This passion has (almost) always been encouraged by my teachers. I began creative writing in second grade, and this hobby was furthered through most of elementary school by what my teachers referred to as “free write time.” I fell back on writing during the pandemic, when reading simply wasn’t enough of an escape.

I was driven to apply to the Alpha Book Publisher internship because I felt that it would be valuable career experience in a field that has always appealed to me. I hope to gain hands-on insight into the publishing process.

My favorite genre has always been fantasy. I love the imagination that goes into it on both ends, the author’s and the reader’s. A topic that holds great importance to me, especially within the publishing industry, is diversity. As an Indonesian-American girl in a mostly-white environment, I grew up without seeing a lot of representation in the books that I read. I hope to contribute greater representation and visibility within the literary arena.

My main goal in the publishing field is to be a fantasy author of at least one series. Even if I do not become a full-time author, I would like to be able to access and understand the publishing field. I do not have any formal writing or publishing experience, but I have written as a hobby in many genres in many settings: creative writing class, with friends as a project, on my own free time.


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