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Book Publishers in Mustang, Oklahoma

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Cost of Publishing a Book

Publishing a book can vary widely in cost, depending on the method and services chosen. Traditional publishing typically does not require the author to pay upfront costs, as the publisher covers all expenses. However, self-publishing and vanity publishing can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars. Services such as editing, cover design, formatting, and marketing contribute to the overall cost. For example, self-publishing on platforms like Amazon KDP might cost less than $100 if you do everything yourself, but hiring professionals for editing and design could increase costs significantly.

How to Submit a Book to a Publisher

Submitting a book to a publisher involves several steps:

  1. Research Publishers: Find publishers that specialize in your genre.

  2. Prepare a Proposal: This often includes a query letter, synopsis, and sample chapters.

  3. Follow Submission Guidelines: Each publisher has specific guidelines for submissions, which must be followed precisely.

  4. Submit Online or by Mail: Depending on the publisher's preference, submit your materials through their online submission portal or by mail.

Best Publishers for First-Time Authors

Finding the best publisher for first-time authors involves looking for those who are open to new writers and have a track record of launching successful careers. Some well-regarded publishers for new authors include:

  • Penguin Random House: Known for a wide range of genres and extensive resources for new authors.

  • HarperCollins: Another major publisher with various imprints catering to different genres.

  • Alpha Book Publisher: Known for working closely with first-time authors to guide them through the publishing process.

How to Find a Book Publisher

To find a book publisher, consider the following steps:

  1. Identify Your Genre: Determine the genre and target audience for your book.

  2. Research Publishers: Use resources like the Writer’s Market, online databases, and literary agent directories.

  3. Attend Book Fairs and Conferences: Networking at these events can provide direct access to publishers and agents.

  4. Use Online Tools: Websites like QueryTracker and PublishersMarketplace offer databases and tracking tools for finding publishers.

Vanity Publishing

Vanity publishing, also known as subsidy publishing, is where the author pays the publisher to have their book published. This model can be expensive and often does not include the same level of editorial and marketing support as traditional publishing. Authors should be cautious and research thoroughly before committing to a vanity publisher.

List of Vanity Publishers

Here are some known vanity publishers:

  • Exposition Press: One of the older vanity publishers, known for requiring significant financial investment from authors.

  • Dorrance Publishing: Offers various packages for authors, but at a cost.

  • AuthorHouse: Provides publishing services for a fee, with varying levels of service.

Christian Music Publishers

Christian music publishers focus on religious and inspirational music. Some of the largest Christian music publishers include:

  • Capitol Christian Music Group: A leading Christian music company offering a broad range of services.

  • Integrity Music: Known for its extensive catalog of worship music.

  • Provident Music Group: Another major player in the Christian music industry.

Subsidy Publishing

Subsidy publishing is similar to vanity publishing, where the author shares the cost of publishing with the publisher. This model may offer more support than pure vanity publishing but still requires a financial contribution from the author.

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Exposition Press

Exposition Press was a well-known vanity publisher that required authors to pay for the publication of their books. It has been criticized for its business model, which places the financial burden on the author.

Meaning of Vanity Publishing

Vanity publishing refers to a model where authors pay to have their books published. Unlike traditional publishing, the risk is borne by the author rather than the publisher. This model often lacks rigorous editorial standards and marketing support.

Tate Publishing Scandal and Update

Tate Publishing, based in Mustang, Oklahoma, was embroiled in a scandal involving allegations of fraud and mismanagement. The company faced multiple lawsuits and ceased operations in 2017. Owners Richard and Ryan Tate were charged with embezzlement and racketeering. As of 2021, Tate Publishing is no longer in business, leaving many authors without the services they paid for.

Who Pays for Publishing?

In traditional publishing, the publisher covers all costs associated with publishing, including editing, printing, and marketing. In self-publishing, the author pays for these services out of pocket. Vanity publishing requires the author to pay the publisher to print and distribute their book.

Publishing in Mustang, Oklahoma Reviews

Publishing in Mustang, Oklahoma, particularly involving Tate Publishing, has been fraught with controversy. Reviews from former authors often highlight issues with transparency, quality of services, and financial disputes.

Vanity Publishers List

In addition to the previously mentioned vanity publishers, others include:

  • iUniverse

  • Xlibris

  • Trafford Publishing

These companies offer various packages for authors but require significant financial investment.


Navigating the publishing world can be challenging, especially for first-time authors. Understanding the different types of publishing, associated costs, and reputable publishers is crucial for making informed decisions. Whether you choose traditional, self, or vanity publishing, thorough research and due diligence are essential to ensure your book reaches its full potential. If you're considering publishing in Mustang, Oklahoma, or working with Christian music publishers, always verify the credibility and track record of the publisher to avoid potential pitfalls.



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