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Do you make more money self-publishing or traditional publishing?

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Do You Make More Money Self-Publishing or Traditional Publishing?


Self-publishing can potentially yield higher earnings per book sold, but it requires significant upfront investment and marketing efforts by the author.


  • Royalties: Up to 70% for eBooks on platforms like Amazon KDP.

  • Per Book Profit: Authors typically earn between $1 to $5 per book sold.

Traditional Publishing

Traditional publishing often provides advance payments and broader distribution, but authors earn lower royalties per book.


  • Advance Payments: Typically range from $1,000 to $10,000 or more.

  • Royalties: Usually 10-15% for print books and 25% for eBooks.

  • Per Book Profit: Earnings are generally lower per book compared to self-publishing due to lower royalty rates.

Is Self-Publishing More Profitable?

Self-publishing can be more profitable for authors who:

  • Have strong marketing skills.

  • Can produce high-quality books.

  • Are willing to invest time and money upfront.

Traditional publishing might be more profitable for authors who:

  • Prefer professional support.

  • Seek broader distribution and market reach.

  • Want an advance payment.

Is It Better to Self-Publish or Get a Publisher?



  • Full creative control.

  • Higher royalties.

  • Faster time to market.


  • Upfront costs for editing, cover design, and marketing.

  • Full responsibility for marketing and distribution.

Traditional Publishing


  • Professional editing, design, and marketing support.

  • Advance payments.

  • Broader distribution channels.


  • Lower royalties.

  • Less creative control.

  • Longer time to publication.

Do Self-Published Authors Make More Money?

Self-published authors can make more money per book due to higher royalty rates, but overall earnings depend on sales volume and marketing efforts.

Success Stories

  • E.L. James: "Fifty Shades of Grey" became a global phenomenon starting from self-publishing.

  • Andy Weir: "The Martian" gained a huge following before being picked up by a traditional publisher.

How Much Does Traditional Publishing Pay?

Traditional publishing offers advance payments and royalties, but the exact amount can vary widely.

Typical Payments

  • Advances: $1,000 to $10,000 for new authors; significantly more for established authors.

  • Royalties: 10-15% on print books; 25% on eBooks.

Self-Publishing vs. Traditional Publishing on Quora

Quora users highlight various aspects of both publishing routes:

  • Self-Publishing: More control and higher potential royalties but requires self-investment.

  • Traditional Publishing: Provides professional support and advance payments but offers lower royalties.

Is Traditional Publishing Worth It?

Traditional publishing can be worth it for authors seeking professional support, broader distribution, and the prestige associated with traditional publishers.

typing writer

Why Self-Publishing Is Bad (Potential Downsides)

While self-publishing offers many benefits, there are potential downsides:

  • Quality Control: Ensuring professional quality without a publisher's support can be challenging.

  • Visibility: Standing out in a crowded market requires significant marketing efforts.

  • Financial Risk: Authors must invest in editing, design, and marketing with no guarantee of return.

Self-Publishing vs. Traditional Publishing Pros and Cons



  • Complete creative control.

  • Higher royalty rates.

  • Faster publication process.


  • Upfront costs.

  • Marketing responsibilities.

  • Limited physical bookstore presence.

Traditional Publishing


  • Professional editorial and marketing support.

  • Advance payments.

  • Wider distribution.


  • Lower royalties.

  • Less creative control.

  • Longer publication timelines.

Traditional Publishing vs. Self-Publishing on Reddit

Reddit discussions often compare the two routes:

  • Self-Publishing: Users appreciate the control and higher royalties but acknowledge the need for self-marketing.

  • Traditional Publishing: Users value the professional support and wider distribution but mention lower earnings per book.

Self-Publish or Sell to Publisher in Sims 4

In The Sims 4, deciding whether to self-publish or sell to a publisher impacts your Sim's earnings and control over their work:



  • Immediate earnings.

  • More control over royalties and pricing.


  • Lower initial lump sum compared to selling to a publisher.

Selling to Publisher


  • Higher initial payment.

  • Reduced need for self-marketing.


  • Less control over future earnings and royalties.

What Is Traditional Publishing?

Traditional publishing involves a publisher taking on the responsibility of editing, designing, marketing, and distributing an author’s book. In return, the publisher pays the author an advance and royalties from book sales.

Key Characteristics

  • Advance Payments: Authors receive a lump sum payment upfront.

  • Royalties: Authors earn a percentage of sales after the advance is earned out.

  • Professional Support: Publishers provide editorial, design, marketing, and distribution services.


Choosing between self-publishing and traditional publishing depends on your goals, resources, and preferences. Self-publishing offers control and higher royalties but requires significant investment and effort. Traditional publishing provides professional support and broader distribution but comes with lower earnings per book and less creative control. Understanding the pros and cons of each route can help you make an informed decision that aligns with your publishing goals.



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