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ebook publishing

Whether you're an aspiring author or a seasoned professional, deciding on which ebook publishing platform to use is a major decision. Here's a quick look at five of the most popular, including Kobo Writing Life, iBooks Author, PublishDrive, Ulysses, and B&N Press.

iBooks Author

iBooks Author is a free ebook publishing platform designed by Apple for authors to create multimedia books that can be sold in the Apple iBooks store. It includes features for creating interactive ebooks, multimedia content, and interactive widgets.

iBooks Author allows authors to create beautiful pages, interactive content, and 3D images. It can be used to create multimedia iBooks, interactive picture books, and art books. It also includes templates for different kinds of books.

iBooks Author is designed with education in mind. It has a user-friendly interface and supports interactive widgets and Keynote presentations. These widgets can be used to add multimedia content to your books, like interactive images and videos. You can also add interactive quizzes and galleries.

You can also export your iBook as a plain text file, which can then be converted to PDF. You can also change your body style and headers. iBooks Author also allows you to embed movie clips and audio. It also includes a glossary and an index.

To create an iBook, you need a Mac computer with a recent version of the Mac OS. You also need to connect to iTunes and have an Apple ID. This ID is used to upload your book. You also need to make sure you have a credit card on file.

It also has an Inspector with a bunch of formatting tools. You can change colors, headers, and body style.


PublishDrive is a global ebook publishing platform that helps independent publishers and authors distribute their books to readers around the world. They also provide marketing tools and promotional opportunities for authors. The platform is packed with smart tools and an intuitive user interface. It also gives authors complete control over the ebook publishing process.

PublishDrive distributes books to online retailers including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google Play, Apple Books and more. PublishDrive also provides free in-store merchandising opportunities. PublishDrive also helps authors run price campaigns to increase sales. It provides robust real-time sales analytics. It offers the ability to manage royalties across different stores.

PublishDrive is also a Google partner, enabling publishers to reach 81% of smartphone users worldwide. They also provide a 60-day money-back guarantee. They also offer auto-royalty reports, sales analytics, and promotional tools. It has a distribution network that includes more than 240,000 digital libraries.

PublishDrive is an all-in-one ebook publishing platform that gives authors complete control over the entire book publishing process. The platform includes sales analytics, metadata management, production, billing, and distribution. The platform also includes audiobook publishing and promotion tools.

PublishDrive's Subscription Pricing option is a great deal for authors. They will no longer have to share royalties with the distributor. This will also give them complete control over the pricing of their books. This option is ideal for authors earning above the $1,000 monthly threshold.

B&N Press

Whether you're writing a book, or just want to publish your eBook, the Barnes & Noble Press eBook publishing platform is a fast and efficient way to get your book out into the world. This free eBook platform also helps you make sure your book is formatted correctly. You can choose from a variety of formats, including doc, docx, txt, HTML, or EPUB.

The B&N Press ebook publishing platform has a lot of resources for authors, and they offer print books as well. It's also the third largest self-publishing platform in the US. However, the Barnes & Noble eBook store doesn't get as much exposure as Amazon's Kindle store.

The B&N Press eBook publishing platform allows authors to publish and sell ebooks on the Barnes & Noble eBook store and also offers print on demand services. The platform is fast and easy to use, and there are plenty of resources to help you get your book out there.

Choosing the right eBook publishing platform is important, as it can help you get the best exposure for your book. Barnes & Noble's eBook store is also more curated than Amazon's Kindle store, so it's likely your book will have a better chance of being found by potential readers.

There are a number of eBook publishing sites to choose from, and the Barnes & Noble Press eBook publishing platform can be set up in under 20 minutes. The process includes registering as a vendor, providing a cover file, and uploading an interior book file. You'll also be assigned a free ISBN.


Founded in March of 2012, Draft2Digital is an online ebook distribution platform that allows self-published authors to market and sell their books on a variety of online stores. The company also offers an assortment of other tools and services for book promotion and distribution.

The company's main claim to fame is its ability to distribute books to more than twelve digital storefronts, including Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The company also offers a suite of tools for marketing and tracking sales. This includes an author page, which features a customizable carousel of all books. The company also offers a print on demand feature, which allows authors to print paperbacks through the D2D process.

For those looking for a more comprehensive solution, Draft2Digital also offers library services, formatting services, and book distribution. These are all free to use. In addition, the company offers a number of creative promotional tools.

One of the company's biggest selling points is its streamlined reporting process. This makes accounting for your book sales a breeze. Unlike many other platforms, Draft2Digital doesn't charge a monthly fee, and you can set your own royalty threshold to ensure payments. The company also offers a bank direct deposit service, so you can make payments from anywhere in the world.

In addition, the company also makes distributing your book to multiple online stores as easy as possible. When a customer clicks on a book link on Draft2Digital's website, it redirects them to the store of their choice. The company also offers a suite of promotional tools, including a story teaser page and a table of contents.

Kobo Writing Life

Thousands of authors have already published with Kobo Writing Life, a self-publishing platform that enables authors to create and distribute eBooks, connect with fans online, and earn money directly to their bank account. Kobo Writing Life is an independent publishing platform with strategic partnerships with leading bookstores.

Kobo Writing Life is free to sign up for and enables authors to publish directly on Kobo, track their sales, and set promotional prices. Authors can also create placeholder files for preorders. In addition, authors have access to professional reviews, a free EPUB conversion tool, and an ISBN purchase.

Kobo Writing Life allows authors to track their sales and sales by country, and provides detailed analytics. In addition, authors can set a minimum price to receive royalties. Kobo pays authors up to 70%, depending on their pricing and territory. Currently, authors can earn up to 70% when they set their book's minimum price to $2.99 in the US, Canada, and Australia, or when they set their price to $2.99 in Europe.

Kobo Writing Life also offers outstanding author support. Joni Di Placido, author relations manager for Kobo Writing Life, co-hosts the Kobo Writing Life podcast. She also works directly with indie authors to help them sell their books worldwide.

One of the most important features of Kobo Writing Life is the opportunity for authors to set a price that's exclusive to the platform. Authors can also set a pre-order price, or set promotional pricing for different territories.


Whether you are writing an ebook, an article, or a longform piece of work, Ulysses can help you get the job done. It offers a simple and intuitive writing experience, and the tools to make your work shine.

With Ulysses, you can write and edit your documents in a distraction-free environment. The app has an integrated style check that will catch grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors, and suggests style, capitalization, and semantics.

You can also use Ulysses to add images and captions to your work, including images used in your eBook. You can add images with alt text, as well. You can even double-click an image on the Mac to insert it.

You can also save work in Ulysses to iCloud or Dropbox, ensuring that you can access it from any device. You can also set up automatic syncing, so that you always have access to your writing projects.

Ulysses supports Markdown, HTML, and PDF. You can also export your work in ePub, DOCX, and HMTL. This means that you can create your own eBook publishing platform, or export your work for publication in other formats.

Ulysses also offers a Quick Export tool that allows you to export your work in a single click. This allows you to quickly publish your work, including eBook content, articles, or even documents that you've exported from Ulysses. You can also preview your work before you export.



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