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Elizabeth Winkelman - Intern

 Devon Burton Intern at Alpha Book Publisher

A Little Bit About Me

I studied English in college, specializing in Creative Writing. Studying English gave me the chance to explore the various styles and topics that make up the classics. It has also given me inspiration for how to embark on my own writing journey. I also have a minor in Philosophy, which allows me to see the world through multiple lenses, which helps me create multifaceted characters with their own beliefs, and to imagine worlds different from our own.

I was inspired to pursue an internship with Alpha Book Publisher because it is my career goal to work in publishing, and this is an excellent opportunity to learn about the industry, as well as an opportunity to publish my own novel with the help of those at Alpha Book Publisher. My expectations for this experience is to familiarize myself with collaboration in a professional setting and to integrate myself in the publishing world.

I am passionate about auto-fiction, relationships, religion, humor, and sci-fi/fantasy.

I see myself contributing a story about the Third Culture Kid experience (TCK). I grew up as a TCK, which has given me unique life experiences as a result. It is one of my goals to write an auto-fiction or a memoir about my life, as I have dealt with struggling to belong due to being a TCK, as well as struggling with my faith, my relationships, and my understanding of the world.

I can also see myself publishing a sci-fi/fantasy story revolving around a religion that turns out to be real, and the consequences of that within the world.

My long-term career goals in the publishing field are to become an editor and to publish some of my own novels and/or short stories. I envision myself making an impact in the industry through my published work, as I aim to tell authentic stories that others can relate to. As an editor, I aim to give others a chance to explore the meaning of their lives through writing.

At 16, I wrote and published a novel through my school, as part of a personal passion project. While I had fun writing it and I learned a lot about the components of writing a book and the publishing process, the book was not as genuine as my other work. It gave me insight into what topics to explore to create something that I feel proud of. I had two other publishing experiences in college. I submitted a poem to our literary review and I collaborated to publish a zine with my creative writing class. These pieces were more polished and I felt excited to share them. These experiences have given me confidence to continue putting my work out there, to keep improving my work.

I hope that I will achieve these in the future when I have more to show.


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