There are a few steps you can take to try to get your screenplay seen in Hollywood:
Research production companies and agents that accept unsolicited material. Some production companies and agents have open submission policies, which means they are willing to consider material from writers who are not represented by a talent agent. You can find lists of these companies and agents online or in industry directories like the Hollywood Creative Directory.
Use a service like The Black List or InkTip to get your script in front of industry professionals. These companies allow writers to upload their scripts and connect with producers and agents who are looking for new material.
Attend screenwriting festivals and pitch your script to industry professionals in person. Many screenwriting festivals, like the Sundance Film Festival and the Austin Film Festival, have pitch sessions where writers can pitch their scripts to producers and agents.
Consider entering your script into screenwriting competitions. Winning or placing in a screenwriting competition can help get your script noticed by industry professionals.
Find a literary agent to represent you and your script. Literary agents have relationships with production companies and studios, and they can help get your script in front of the right people.
Remember that it can be difficult to get your script noticed in Hollywood, and it's not uncommon for writers to go through many rounds of revisions and rewrites before getting their work produced. However, by putting yourself out there and networking with industry professionals, you increase your chances of success.
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