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Is self-publishing becoming more common?


Is Self-Publishing Becoming More Common?

Increasing Popularity

Self-publishing has become increasingly common, driven by advancements in digital technology and the growing accessibility of publishing platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), IngramSpark, and Draft2Digital. These platforms allow authors to publish their work independently, bypassing traditional publishing gatekeepers.

Statistics and Trends

  • Growth Rates: The number of self-published titles has been rising steadily each year. According to Bowker, there was a significant increase in the number of self-published books between 2010 and 2020.

  • Market Share: Self-published books now represent a substantial portion of the eBook market, with many authors choosing to self-publish due to the higher royalty rates and creative control.

Is Self-Publishing Looked Down On?

Changing Perceptions

While self-publishing once carried a stigma of being less prestigious than traditional publishing, perceptions are changing. The quality of self-published books has improved dramatically, thanks to the availability of professional editing, cover design, and marketing services. Successful self-published authors like E.L. James, Andy Weir, and Hugh Howey have helped elevate the status of self-publishing.

Industry Views

  • Acceptance: Many industry professionals now recognize the potential and legitimacy of self-publishing.

  • Quality Control: The key to overcoming any lingering stigma is ensuring high-quality production and professional presentation.

Is Self-Publishing Still Profitable?

Profitability Factors

Self-publishing can be highly profitable, especially for authors who invest in professional services and effectively market their books. Factors influencing profitability include genre, marketing efforts, and reader engagement.

Earnings Potential

  • Royalties: Self-published authors can earn up to 70% royalties on eBooks, compared to the 10-15% typically offered by traditional publishers.

  • Case Studies: Many self-published authors earn thousands to millions of dollars annually. For example, Mark Dawson and Amanda Hocking have reported substantial earnings from their self-published works.

What is the Success Rate of Self-Publishing?

Success Metrics

The success rate for self-publishing varies widely, with many authors achieving modest earnings and a smaller percentage achieving significant financial success.

Factors for Success

  • Quality: Professional editing, design, and formatting are crucial.

  • Marketing: Effective marketing strategies, including social media, email newsletters, and book promotion sites, are essential.

  • Persistence: Success often comes after multiple publications and sustained marketing efforts.

Does Publishing Have a Future?

Evolving Industry

The publishing industry is evolving, with both traditional and self-publishing adapting to new technologies and market trends. Digital and self-publishing are likely to continue growing, providing more opportunities for authors.

Future Trends

  • Hybrid Models: Increasing collaboration between traditional and self-publishing models.

  • Digital Platforms: Continued growth in eBooks, audiobooks, and digital platforms.

Self-Publishing Statistics

Key Data

  • Volume: Thousands of new self-published titles are released annually.

  • Market Share: Self-published books represent a significant portion of the eBook market, particularly in genres like romance, science fiction, and fantasy.

Self-Published Authors

Notable Examples

  • E.L. James: Author of "Fifty Shades of Grey," which started as a self-published eBook.

  • Andy Weir: Author of "The Martian," initially self-published on his blog.

  • Hugh Howey: Author of the "Wool" series, which gained a massive following through self-publishing.

Self-Published Books

Successful Titles

  • "Fifty Shades of Grey" by E.L. James

  • "The Martian" by Andy Weir

  • "Wool" by Hugh Howey

girl writing dairy

How Many Books Do First-Time Self-Published Authors Sell?

Sales Expectations

Sales figures for first-time self-published authors can vary widely:

  • Average Sales: Many first-time self-published books sell between 100 and 500 copies.

  • High Achievers: Successful first-time authors who effectively market their books can sell thousands of copies.

Is Traditional Publishing Better Than Self-Publishing?


Traditional Publishing


  • Professional support in editing, design, and marketing.

  • Wider distribution and bookstore presence.

  • Advance payments and royalties.


  • Lower royalty rates.

  • Less creative control.

  • Longer time to market.



  • Higher royalty rates.

  • Complete creative control.

  • Faster publication process.


  • Upfront costs for production and marketing.

  • Full responsibility for marketing and distribution.

  • Limited physical bookstore presence.

Why Self-Publishing is Bad (Potential Downsides)

Potential Issues

  • Quality Control: Without professional support, maintaining high quality can be challenging.

  • Visibility: Standing out in a crowded market requires significant marketing efforts.

  • Financial Risk: Authors must invest in production and marketing without guaranteed returns.

How to Self-Publish a Book on Amazon

Steps to Self-Publishing on Amazon

  1. Create a KDP Account: Sign up at

  2. Prepare Your Manuscript: Format your manuscript for Kindle and print.

  3. Design a Cover: Use Amazon’s Cover Creator or hire a professional designer.

  4. Upload Files: Upload your manuscript and cover.

  5. Set Up Book Details: Enter your book’s title, author name, and description.

  6. Choose Pricing: Set your book’s price and select royalty options.

  7. Publish: Click the publish button to make your book available on Amazon.

How to Self-Publish a Book and Make Money

Strategies for Profitability

  • Invest in Quality: Hire professional editors and cover designers.

  • Build an Audience: Engage with readers through social media, email newsletters, and an author website.

  • Utilize Promotions: Use Amazon’s promotional tools and book promotion sites to increase visibility.

  • Leverage Reviews: Encourage readers to leave reviews to boost credibility and attract new readers.


Self-publishing is becoming increasingly common and can be highly profitable for authors who invest in quality and effective marketing. While it carries certain risks and challenges, the rewards can be significant, offering higher royalties and complete creative control. The future of publishing includes both traditional and self-publishing, with each route offering distinct advantages depending on an author’s goals and resources.



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