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Jade Hernandez - Intern

 Devon Burton Intern at Alpha Book Publisher

A Little Bit About Me

Hi, my name is Jade Hernandez! I lived in a lot of different places, from New York to Ecuador, but now I live in Texas, going to school at Wheaton College, right outside of Chicago. In seventh grade when we moved to Puerto Rico the school I went to had this really beautiful library…in hindsight it wasn’t that beautiful, but I loved it! That is where my love of reading began. With so many changes I enjoyed the calmness the library offered and the solace I found in books. While I’ve always loved stories, my love of writing came a few months later when I realized it wasn’t just something you did for school but that in writing the only limitations you had was your own imagination.

I am currently working on editing the final draft of my Fantasy Heist novel, which I have always hoped to publish and an internship with Alpha Book Publisher will help me to do that. Through the internship I really look forward to gaining an understanding of all the different stages of the publishing process, learning from the experiences of others, and connecting with other interns.

Though I’ve enjoyed writing for some time, I never realized I could enjoy the editing process till I joined my school's literary journal as a head editor. I’ve come to love working with different writers to improve their stories and working with my own story to make it the best it can be. As next year's editor-in-chief, I have learned more about all the intricate details that go into publishing and I hope to deepen my understanding through this internship.

I would love the chance to one day write and publish books for a living. While I primarily love fantasy books, overall I enjoy stories with powerful character arcs and meaningful relationships between characters, like “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen or “We Hunt The Flame” by Hafsah Faizal. Books have always been a source of inspiration for me, whether that be for writing my own stories or having a haven to retreat to. In my writing or editing I would hope to offer the same to other readers. I love reading all types of genres but my love lies with writing Young Adult Fantasy!




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