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Jerichowriters Review

Jerichowriters is a writing club that offers a host of services to aspiring writers. They are well known for their excellent editorial advice, outstanding courses and events, and a remarkable membership package.

They also offer a range of video courses and filmed masterclasses, as well as webinars. They also run the annual Festival of Writing, which brings together authors and agents.

Getting Published

There are many ways to get published, but first you need to know what kind of book you want to write and how to find the right market for your writing. Whether you’re writing a novel or non-fiction, Jerichowriters has a range of educational and editorial services to help you along the way.

If you’re looking for a traditional publishing contract, the chances are you’ll need to submit your work to a literary agent. They understand the world of publishing much better than you do, and they can help you to get your manuscript published by a major publisher.

Having an agent is a big deal, because it can make all the difference between your work being considered and ignored. They can also offer guidance on how to approach publishers and negotiate the best deals for your work.

Harry Bingham is an experienced writer who has been published by all the old-school major houses, and through his company, Jerichowriters, he has helped thousands of writers on their way to publication. In this guide he shares his 20 odd years of experience as a writer in a matter-of-fact, humorous and engaging way.

The Getting Published section of the site includes practical advice on how to get your work published, with a focus on fiction. It also includes information on how to prepare your book for submission, including writing a query letter and an outline, as well as tips on how to get the most out of interviews with agents.

You can also take advantage of their one-day events in London, where you’ll have the chance to meet with agents and editors. This is a great opportunity to get your manuscript in shape for agents, as well as to hear from the best writers in the industry.

Jerichowriters is a fantastic resource for any aspiring author. Their website is comprehensive and easy to navigate, with a library of articles providing excellent advice on all aspects of writing and publishing. They also have a variety of courses and a forum. They also offer a service called Ask Jericho, which allows you to ask a professional writer for advice on your work or the publishing process.


Jerichowriters is a company that specializes in helping writers with their editing needs. They offer a range of services, including developmental editing and proofreading. They also offer video courses, webinars, and events.

They have an extensive team of editors, many of whom are professional writers themselves. This means that they can give you a quality edit without the hassle of sifting through freelancers yourself.

Their website also has a calculator that helps you get an idea of what your editing costs will be. The price will depend on the length of your book and how quickly you want it edited.

While many people see editing as changing a misspelled sentence for a correct one, there is much more to it than that. There is a lot of research, analysis, and critical thinking that goes into the process of editing.

The process of editing can be very time-consuming, especially if you are trying to write a novel or another lengthy project. However, it can be worth the investment if you want to get your work to a good level.

Having an editor look over your work is important because it can help you see problems you may have overlooked, such as typos or awkward sentences. This can make your writing stronger and more polished.

It can also help you spot grammatical errors and ensure that your book reads well. The right editor will be able to point out things like omitted words, missing words, tense and voice issues, and more.

They also offer a developmental feedback service, which can be a great way to get an expert’s input on your book’s structure and plot. This can include fixing plot holes, analyzing character profiles, and more.

It is also a good idea to find an editor with a wide range of experience and specializations. You can do this by asking around in Facebook groups, looking for authors who have worked with editors, or searching online.


Whether you’re looking for a career change or to escape the traditional publishing industry altogether, self-publishing is an option that can offer you great rewards. You get to pick and choose what you publish, control the process, and be able to decide when your book is ready for sale.

The best thing about self-publishing is that it is a relatively cheap route to getting your book out there. It is often four to five times cheaper than working with a traditional publisher, and you will be earning more per unit of sales, sometimes 70 percent.

But while the benefits are great, there are some things you need to think about before you start. It’s worth taking the time to do a little research, to learn what you can about the self-publishing world and all of its nooks and crannies.

At Jerichowriters, we provide a free course called Starting From Zero which will walk you through every step of the publishing process. From getting your first draft down, through to creating an author website and launching it. It will also give you the tools to create a professional-looking cover that will grab people’s attention and make them want to read more.

We also offer a comprehensive course on how to write a compelling book, including developing characters and plots and making sure your story is cohesive. During this course you will have the opportunity to receive feedback from beta readers as well as multiple drafts and several editing passes before you move on to publishing your book.

Another important thing to consider is formatting your book correctly. You’ll need to decide which book format you’re going to use, as well as setting margin sizes and trim.

Lastly, you’ll need to consider what information you want to include on your book’s front cover and back cover. This includes the title, your name and contact details, as well as a description of your book.

This is an important part of the self-publishing process because it will help you sell your book in the right places and at the right price. It’s also a good idea to consider how you can optimise your book for search engines, so that people who search for your book will find it.


Jerichowriters is an online membership club that provides everything from weekly writing and editing workshops to monthly newsletters, an e-magazine and even access to a literary agent or two. The company has a small staff, but they’re very friendly and the quality of their service is top notch. You can sign up for a month or year long membership.

The company offers a range of events including its signature annual York Festival of Writing and the Jericho Writers Academy. The aforementioned Festival of Writing has an impressive list of speakers, workshops and mini courses to choose from.

For those on a budget, Jericho Writers also offers a monthly membership option for under PS20 a month. They offer a full range of writing, editing and publishing services, with the latest in technology and gadgets to support writers on their journey from manuscript to published author. The most important pillar of the organisation is to provide the tools, information and support to help writers on their journey. The Jericho Writers Academy is a more personalised and tailored route to the same type of success.



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