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Jessica Johnson - Intern

 Devon Burton Intern at Alpha Book Publisher

A Little Bit About Me

My name is Jessica Johnson and I’m majoring in English Comparative Literature at San Diego State University. I’ve always enjoyed reading and writing, dedicating time to developing this skill. Since starting my college career, my writing has only soared, and I hope to see it continue as I take on opportunities such as this. Being able to understand the publishing aspect of my dream career is vital to becoming a successful author. I pursued the internship with Alpha Book Publisher for the opportunities they would provide me by gaining valuable experience with professionals and mentors. I look forward to their aid along my journey as a writer and intern.

My favorite genre to read and write is psychological thriller. I especially love twist endings that are so unpredictable they leave the reader thinking about it for days. I’m currently working on a fiction piece in such a genre that I hope to have published soon! Ultimately, I wish to become a renowned, bestselling, award-winning author. However, I understand how difficult a feat this is and I am perfectly satisfied with continuously publishing the books I love to write.

Thus far, with my participation as an author for the Creative Collective Magazine at San Diego State University and my job as a Rhetorical Writing Studies student mentor, I have plenty of experience in writing. In fact, it is through my constant pursuit of these opportunities that I have improved my writing and gained more experience in this field. This has only strengthened my passion as an author.


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