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Kelsey Chambers - Intern

 Devon Burton Intern at Alpha Book Publisher

A Little Bit About Me

My educational background is somewhat limited but it's definitely made my writing and publishing interest bigger than it was. I have gone to high school and graduated with a

creative Writing course that sparked my love for writing and for books. Then I went to college and haven't finished due to the pandemic, having a baby and now being a single parent. My interest in the field has been shaped due to my deeper passion for books and stories.

I am pursuing an internship with Alpha Book Publisher to get experience and more skills in the areas of interest in order to pursue my dreams and passion for the career. My

expectations for this experience are ranging, I'd love to learn as much as possible with the expectation that I can still learn even more when working in the field. Can't learn

everything but can surely try to. My passions carry me through many fields but most importantly writing.

No specific genres or topics of interest in the industry, just excited to participate and learn everything I can and gain knowledge enough to enjoy a future in the career that I've dreamt of since high school.

My long-term career goals in the publishing field is to hopefully one day start my own

company and publish books and works of all kinds with the experience that will allow me to also still follow my own writing passion and help me to self publish with experience. I envision myself making a significant impact in the industry by reaching further and higher in the kinds of work and art I put out into the world of writing and publishing. I

want to work with the best and the worst to create something unique and one day teach, make better writers and authors.

I have prior writing experience from high school and college. I have been working on my own book for ten years as well. Hopefully I can finish sooner rather than later with the

exception of being a single full time mom. My writing experience has made me want to work harder and smarter to create a masterpiece in my own eyes. Something I do too often is try to overdo the perfection instead of letting it be unfortunately.

I have no notable achievements, awards or recognition related to writing or publishing. I was once accused of plagiarism in high school. Never put the effort in until I got into my creative Writing class. Otherwise nothing I can account for other than school essays.


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