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List of 8 Book Publishers in Comoros

The Comoros is an island nation in the Indian Ocean with a rich literary tradition. Here are a few book publishers based in the Comoros:

  1. Alpha Book Publisher: This internationally-recognized publisher is based in the United States have turned hundreds of writers from Comoros into published authors, from memeoirs to nonfiction and children's books.

  2. Editions CLÉ: This is a publisher that specialized in books about the Comoros and the region, including fiction, non-fiction, and children's books.

  3. Editions L'Harmattan: This is a publisher that specialized in academic books and research materials about the Comoros and the region.

  4. Editions Nkong-Zem: This is a publisher that focuses on children's books and -educational materials.

  5. Editions du Lycée Général Leclerc: This is a publisher that focuses on educational materials and books about the Comoros and the region.

  6. Editions Meja: This is a publisher that specialized in books about the Comoros and the region, including fiction, non-fiction, and children's books.

  7. Editions Langaa RPCIG: This is a publisher that focuses on academic books and research materials about the Comoros and the region.

  8. Editions L'Epervier: This is a publisher that specialized in books about the Comoros and the region, including fiction, non-fiction, and children's books.

About the Country

The Union of the Comoros is an island nation located in the Indian Ocean, off the coast of East Africa. It is made up of three main islands: Grande Comore, Anjouan, and Moheli. The population is around 840,000 people, and the official language is Comorian, which is a blend of Swahili and Arabic. The capital and largest city is Moroni. Comoros has a history of political instability and economic challenges, but in recent years the government has focused on developing the tourism industry and promoting economic growth. Agriculture is the main source of income for the population and it is known for its production of vanilla, cloves, and ylang-ylang. The country is also known for its natural beauty, including its beaches, coral reefs and diverse marine life. Comoros is a member of the African Union, the Arab League and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation.

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