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2. Vicens Vives Chile S.A.
Book publisher in Ñuñoa, Chile
Address: Lo Encalada 243, Ñuñoa, Región Metropolitana, Chile Areas served: Santiago Phone: +56 9 3450 3380
3. LOM ediciones
Book publisher in Santiago, Chile
Address: Concha y Toro 29, Santiago, Región Metropolitana, Chile Hours: Open 9 AM–6:30 PM Phone: +56 2 2860 6800
4. Editorial Edisur
Book publisher in Santiago, Chile
Address: Compañía de Jesús 1025, 8320352 Santiago, Región Metropolitana, Chile Areas served: Chile Hours: Open 10 AM–2 PM Phone: +56 9 9330 0520
5. Ediciones Ekaré Sur
Book publisher in Ñuñoa, Chile
Service options: Online appointments · Onsite services
Address: Avda Italia 2004 Ñuñoa, 7770478 Santiago, Región Metropolitana, Chile Hours: Open 11 AM Tue · More hours Phone: +56 2 2343 0003
6. Empresa Editora Zig-Zag S.A.
Book publisher in Providencia, Chile
Address: Avda los Conquistadores #1700, Piso 10, Providencia, Región Metropolitana, Chile Hours: Open 8:30 am–7 pm Phone: +56 2 2810 7400
7. Legal Publishing Chile Ltda
Publisher in Santiago, Chile
Address: Miraflores 383, P 11, Santiago, Región Metropolitana, Chile Phone: +56 2 2510 5000
8. Lexus Editores de Chile
Book publisher in Santiago, Chile
Address: Av. Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins N°488, Santiago, Región Metropolitana, Chile Areas served: Chile Hours: Open 10 am–3 pm Phone: +56 2 2726 7400
9. Liberalia Ediciones
Book publisher in Ñuñoa, Chile
Address: Av. Italia 2016, Santiago, Ñuñoa, Región Metropolitana, Chile Hours: Open 8:30 am–6 pm Phone: +56 2 2343 8432
10. libertad sa
Book publisher in La Reina, Chile
Address: Jorge Alessandri 101, La Reina, Región Metropolitana, Chile Hours: Open 8:30 am–6:30 pm Phone: +56 2 2816 0700
11. Editorial El Jurista Limitada
Book publisher in Santiago, Chile
Address: Moneda 1137, Santiago, Región Metropolitana, Chile Hours: Open 10:30 am–3:30 pm
Phone: +56 2 2993 5936
12. Editorial Trayecto
Book publisher in Santiago, Chile
Address: Dr. Sotero del Río 326, 8340381 Santiago, Región Metropolitana, Chile Areas served: Chile Hours: Open 9:30 am Phone: +56 2 2929 4925
13. Alex Books
Medical book store in Providencia, Chile
Service options: In-store shopping · Delivery
Address: Av. Nueva Providencia 2260, Local 177, Providencia, Región Metropolitana, Chile Hours: Open 11:15 am–6:30 pm Phone: +56 2 2664 9596
14. Huemulin Comics
Book publisher in Ñuñoa, Chile
Service options: No online appointments · On-site services not available
Address: Av. Sucre 2589, Ñuñoa, Región Metropolitana, Chile Areas served: Ñuñoa Hours: Open 24 hours Phone: +1 307-242-6771
15. Editorial Planeta Chilena
Publisher in Providencia, Chile
Address: Av. Andrés Bello 2115, piso 8, 7510094 Providencia, Región Metropolitana, Chile Hours: Open 9 am–5:30 pm Phone: +56 2 2265 2927
16. Librería y Editorial Universitaria
Book store in Santiago, Chile
Service options: In-store shopping · Delivery
Located in: University of Chile
Address: Av. Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins 1050, Santiago, Región Metropolitana, Chile Hours:Open 9 am–5 pm Phone: +56 2 2896 8960
17. Pequeña Alicia Editores
Service options: No online appointments · On-site services not available
Address: Chile España 235, Ñuñoa, Región Metropolitana, Chile Areas served: Chile Hours: Open 9 am–7 pm Phone: +56 9 9632 3691
18. Mago Editores
Book publisher in Santiago, Chile
Address: Merced Nº 22 Of. 403 Plaza Italia, Región Metropolitana, Chile
19. Fernandez De Castro S.A.
Book publisher in Santiago, Chile
Service options: Online appointments · On-site services
Address: Rosal 360, of A, Santiago, Región Metropolitana, Chile Hours:Open 10 am–2 pm, 3–5 pm Phone: +56 2 2639 2215
20. Ediciones Cerro Manquehue
Address: Gral. Bulnes 209, Of 63, Santiago, Región Metropolitana, Chile Phone: +56 2 2672 0482
21. Comic Way
Book publisher in Santiago, Chile
Address: Moneda 1617, Santiago, Región Metropolitana, Chile Areas served: Chile and nearby areas Hours: Open ⋅ Closes 3 pm Phone: +56 9 8489 9905
22. Librería Catalonia Santa Isabel
Publisher in Providencia, Chile
Address: Sta. Isabel 1235, Providencia, Santiago, Región Metropolitana, Chile Areas served: Chile and nearby areas Hours: Open 10 am–2 pm Phone: +56 2 2742 8556
23. Ediciones Columba Limitada
Book publisher in Ñuñoa, Chile
Address: La Verbena 4704, Ñuñoa, Región Metropolitana, Chile Phone: +56 2 2226 8702
24. Editorial Mataquito
Book publisher in Curicó, Chile
Address: Estado N° 518, Curicó, Maule, Chile Hours: Open 24 hours Phone: +56 2 2357 6751
25. Editorial Cuarto Propio
Publisher in Providencia, Chile
Address: Valenzuela Castillo 990, Providencia, Región Metropolitana, Chile Hours: Open 9 am–1 pm, 2–6 pm Phone: +56 2 2419 5129
26. Servicios editoriales y comunicacionales Estrofas del Sur
Book publisher in Santiago, Chile
Address: Av. Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins 1302, Of.70, 8320000 Santiago, Región Metropolitana, Chile Areas served: Chile Hours: Open 9 am–6 pm Phone: +56 9 6550 7498
27. vlp agency
Located in: Colbun S.A.
Address: Av. Apoquindo 4775, Santiago, Las Condes, Región Metropolitana, Chile Phone: +56 9 9799 2398
28. Editorial Muñeca de Trapo
Book publisher in Providencia, Chile
Address: Av. Hernando de Aguirre 1420, 7500000 Providencia, Santiago, Región Metropolitana, Chile Areas served: Las Condes and nearby areas
29. Time Books Ltda.
Publisher in Chile
Address: Pdte Errázuriz 4383, of. 1202, Las Condes, Región Metropolitana, Chile Areas served: Chile and nearby areas Hours: Open 24 hours Phone: +56 2 2453 3645
30. Edaf Chile S A
Address: Huerfanos 1178, Santiago, Región Metropolitana, Chile Hours: Open 9 am–6 pm Phone: +56 2 2231 1397
31. Libreria Cristiana Aces Chile
Christian book store in Santiago, Chile
Service options: In-store shopping · In-store pick-up · Delivery
Address: Sta. Elena 1038, Santiago, Región Metropolitana, Chile Hours: Open 9 am–1 pm, 2:15–5:30 pm Phone: +56 2 2441 8266
32. Ediciones Urano Chile
Publisher in Providencia, Chile
Address: Padre Mariano 391, 806, Providencia, Región Metropolitana, Chile
33. Editorial Metropolitana
Law book store in Santiago, Chile
Service options: In-store shopping · In-store pick-up · Delivery
Address: San Antonio 418, Oficina 1002, Santiago, Región Metropolitana, Chile Areas served: Chile Hours: Open 9 am–6 pm Phone: +56 2 2638 7620
34. Dudo Ediciones
Book publisher in Santiago, Chile
Address: Gral. García 25, Santiago, Región Metropolitana, Chile Hours: Open 24 hours Phone: +56 9 9940 1916
Service options: Online appointments · On-site services
Address: Pdte. Riesco 5435, OF.1601, 7561127 Las Condes, Región Metropolitana, Chile Hours: Open 9 am–6 pm Phone: +56 9 7958 0556
36. Sa Cabana Editorial
Address: Lo Encalada 243, Ñuñoa, Región Metropolitana, Chile Areas served: Chile
37. Editorial Continental
Print shop in Santiago, Chile
Service options: In-store shopping · In-store pick-up · Delivery
Address: Gral. Gana 1056, Santiago, Región Metropolitana, Chile Hours: Open 8:30 am–6:30 pm Phone: +56 2 2756 4543
Publisher in Providencia, Chile
Address: Av. Providencia 2063, Providencia, Región Metropolitana, Chile Hours: Open 11 am–2:30 pm Phone: +56 2 2748 5105
39. Editorial Idunn
Located in: Drugstore Boulevard
Address: Las Urbinas 53, Providencia, Región Metropolitana, Chile
40. Rubicón Editores
Book publisher in Ñuñoa, Chile
Address:Av. Presidente José Batlle Y Ordóñez 4501, 7790785 Ñuñoa, Región Metropolitana, Chile
41. Editorial Nueva Vida Limitada
Address: Macúl, Santiago, Macul, Región Metropolitana, Chile Hours: Open 10 am–10 pm Phone: +56 2 2221 3418
42. Agencia Editora
Book publisher in Chile
Address: Fraternidad 141, Santiago, Maipú, Región Metropolitana, Chile Phone: +56 9 7630 9547
43. Mis Raíces
Address: Av. Pdte. Kennedy 5770, Of. 318, 7630000 Vitacura, Lo Barnechea, Región Metropolitana, Chile Areas served: Chile Hours: Open 10 am–2 pm Phone: +56 2 2247 9297
44. Bordelibre Ediciones y Librería online
Book publisher in La Serena, Chile
Address: Pampa Baja 5075, 1711210 Coquimbo, La Serena, Coquimbo, Chile Hours: Open 10 am Mon · More hours Phone: +56 9 8548 6594
45. Editorial Chilena
Address: C. Graneros, Rancagua, O'Higgins, Chile
46. SM Chile
Publisher in Providencia, Chile
Address: Coyancura 2283, 6603777 Providencia, Región Metropolitana, Chile Areas served: Viña del Mar and nearby areas Hours: Open 10 am–7 pm Phone: +56 600 381 1312
47. Ilustraverde
Address: Constitucion 86, Quilpué, Valparaíso, Chile Hours: Open 9 am–5 pm Phone: +56 9 7404 7324
Address: Casilla # 1 Correo, 7700494 La Dehesa, Región Metropolitana, Chile Areas served: Chile Hours: Open 24 hours Phone: +56 9 7138 8846
49. Libro Santiago Elegante
Address: Los Acantos 1097, Vitacura, Región Metropolitana, Chile Areas served: Santiago Phone: +56 2 2475 6775
50. Editorial Alba
Print shop in Valparaíso, Chile
Service options: In-store shopping · Delivery
Address: Av. Colón 2231, Valparaíso, Chile Hours: Open 8 am–5:30 pm Phone: +56 9 9821 6134
51. Libros Pascal Limitada
Book store in Ñuñoa, Chile
Service options: In-store shopping · Delivery
Located in: UMCE Macul Campus
Address: Ñuñoa, Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile Hours: Open 10:30 am–6:30 pm Phone: +56 2 2235 3020
52. Editorial Librosdementira
Address: Sta. Isabel 0151, Providencia, Región Metropolitana, Chile Hours: Open 10 am–7:30 pm
53. Grupomas
Print shop in Quinta Normal, Chile
Service options: In-store shopping · Kerbside pickup · Delivery
Address: Andes 3791, Quinta Normal, Región Metropolitana, Chile Areas served: Chile Hours: Open 24 hours Phone: +56 9 9969 6606
54. Ediciones Universit De Valpso De La Universidad Catolica De Valpo S A
Book publisher in Valparaíso, Chile
Address: Doce de Febrero 21, 2340002 Valparaíso, Chile Areas served: Valparaíso Hours: Open 9 am–2 pm, 3–4 pm Phone: +56 32 227 3902
55. Madedevi
Address: Niebla 110, Valdivia, Los Ríos, Chile Phone: +56 9 8153 8858
56. Antonio Álvarez Bürger
Address: Las Araucarias 4385 Talcahuano, 4260000 Biobío, Chile
57. Imprenta Editorial Grafic Suisse Limitada
Print shop in Santiago, Chile
Service options: In-store pick-up
Address: Santiago 1137 Santiago, Región Metropolitana, Chile Hours: Open 9 am–6 pm Phone: +56 2 2239 7350
58. Editorial Bio Psique Ltda
Address: Av. Providencia 1998, Providencia, Región Metropolitana, Chile Phone: +56 2 2335 4476
59. Editorial Televisa Chile, S.A.
Book publisher in Chile
Address: Rosario Nte 555, Las Condes, Región Metropolitana, Chile Phone: +56 2 2595 5000
60. Das Kapital Ediciones
Book publisher in La Reina, Chile
Address: Eduardo Alert 6612, La Reina, Región Metropolitana, Chile

About the Country
Chile is a country located in South America, known for its long, narrow shape and its varied geography that includes deserts, forests, and mountains. It is bordered by Peru to the north, Bolivia to the northeast, Argentina to the east, and the Pacific Ocean to the west and south. The country has a population of over 19 million people and its official language is Spanish. Santiago is the capital and largest city.
Chile has a rich culture, with a mix of indigenous, European, and African influences. The country is known for its wine, copper mining and its diverse landscape, which includes the Atacama Desert in the north, the Andes mountains in the east, and the Patagonian Ice Fields in the south.
Chile has a market-oriented economy, with a strong focus on trade and exports, particularly of copper, fruit, and fish. The country has a relatively high standard of living and is considered one of the most economically and politically stable countries in Latin America. The country has a long history of democracy, but there have been some social protests in recent years demanding more social justice and equality.
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