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Lucy Lindsey - Intern

 Devon Burton Intern at Alpha Book Publisher

A Little Bit About Me

To briefly introduce myself, my name is Lucy Lindsey. I am currently a rising senior at Clarksville Academy, the incredible English department of which is where my love for writing began. I take great pride in my school as it has not only educated me through advanced classes but has also taught me skills that are incredibly important for everyday life such as communication and work ethic.

I have participated in several writing-related programs, one of which took me overseas, and am currently looking into the world of publishing through an internship with Alpha Book Publisher.

Writing is something I am extremely passionate about as I greatly enjoy the creativity and thought that goes into it. I have been writing for several years now, and I have always welcomed the opportunity to improve my writing through advanced courses in English and participation in summer programs. This, I believe, has greatly bettered my writing and allowed me to develop a style that I am continuously improving.

My strongest area in writing is storyline development, which in most cases extends into character creation. Through practice I have learned the importance of a storyline and characters in writing, which led to ongoing development of the creation of these things and has resulted in skills I take pride in.

I am currently unsure of my career aspirations in the publishing industry, however I see high value in writing and believe that the opportunity to be a part of the process of sharing it with the world is something incredibly special. I hope to pursue a double major college degree in English and Business and soon after search for an opportunity to dive further into the incredible world of publishing.

I am very grateful for the internship opportunity I have been allowed to take part in by Alpha Book Publishers and hope that it is the first of many opportunities to gain experience and insight in the publishing industry.


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