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MARK MILLAR Company Profile

Company Name: MARK MILLAR

Date Founded: 2004

Founder: Mark Millar

Headquarters Address: West Hollywood, California

Country of Origin: United States of America. North America.

Business Category: Book Publisher, Publishing, Multimedia & electronic book publisher

Genre: Fiction, Nonfiction, Memoir, Comics, Planner, Children’s Books

Reviews: n/a

Social Media Account Links: __Facebook. Twitter. Youtube. Instagram. Linkedin.

Hours Of Operation: 8am - 5pm Pacific Time

Primary Language: English US

Email: n/a

Phone Number: 424.288.2000

Annual Revenue: ($0-100k)

Number of Employees: {1-9}

Areas Served: United States

Products & Services: eBooks, Paperback, Publishing, Editing, Formatting, Printing

Parent Organization: n/a

Imprint: n/a

About the Company:


Mark Millar is a New York Times best-selling comic-book writer, Hollywood producer and President of Netflix’s Millarworld Division in Los Angeles. Mark and his wife Lucy sold their company to Netflix in 2017 and their first series from the world’s biggest streaming platform is Jupiter’s Legacy, an eight-part superhero blockbuster in 2021.

His previous work includes KINGSMAN, KICK-ASS, WANTED, OLD MAN LOGAN, SUPERMAN: RED SON and CIVIL WAR. Old Man Logan was the inspiration for Hugh Jackman’s LOGAN movie and Civil War was the inspiration for Marvel’s CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR. His Superman graphic novel RED SON was adapted in 2020 as an animated movie and is the biggest-selling Superman graphic novel in history. Civil War remains Marvel’s biggest-selling graphic novel of all time.



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