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Mary Botz - Intern

 Devon Burton Intern at Alpha Book Publisher

My Bio

Hello! My name is Mary Botz, and I am currently a senior in college at North Central University studying English literature. A fun fact about me is that I was homeschooled until college, but I took classes at the local university in my hometown throughout high school. Being homeschooled allowed for a lot of diversity and freedom in my education, and even though it isn’t necessarily traditional, I am very grateful for that. Both of my parents are published authors, my mother in fiction and short stories, and my father in engineering and education. I was able to see and learn firsthand the difficulties and joys that come with writing, and getting to assist in the beta/proofreading process made me fall in love with the industry. 

The internship with Alpha Book Publisher inspired me because I am a hands-on learner, and this experience allows me the freedom of not only time, but creativity to learn the publishing process from beginning to end. I do not have any concrete expectations for this course. My only real goals are to learn everything I possibly can about the industry, and how I might fit within it someday. 

My whole life I have been an avid reader. From the American Girl Doll books to Jane Austen, I have attempted to read everything I can get my hands on. I am not a very picky genre person. I love fiction and creative nonfiction. I tend to gravitate towards fantasy, mystery, sci-fi, and historical fiction as a reader. As a writer, I lean more towards the creative nonfiction and realistic fiction route. I have never considered myself a writer, even though it is something I have excelled at. I love critiquing and guiding other people on their creative journies, which is why I believe I would make a great editor. 

My long-term goal is to be a novel editor. I believe that as an editor I will help writers and creators reach their full potential with their works, and thus, put good literature out into the world. That is my real end goal. I want to see excellent books in the hands of as many people as possible. 

I have had a lot of writing experience during my college years. Not only academic papers and written reflections but also creative work. I have been honored in the position of editor-in-chief for my university’s literary magazine for the past two semesters, and have been published in that as well. The literary magazine (Florilegium), has had a huge impact on my professional inspiration as far as editing, publishing, and writing goes. I have been able to collect a large amount of creative work from my peers and classmates and put it together to make something beautiful for everyone to enjoy. Last year, our theme was ‘Metamorphosis’, and the interaction we had was incredible. There was laughter, tears, and smiles throughout the book, and I hope to create that same reaction with this year’s issue. 

The editor-in-chief position is my most notable for the publishing industry. With it relaunching last semester, I was able to get submissions, selections, editing, and formatting done in a month almost completely alone. I will not be repeating that stressful time crunch! I am also a part of Sigma Tau Delta, the English honor society.

I am so excited to start my professional journey, and learn as much as humanely possible about the literature world!

I am Maham Zehra, a fresh grad of B.ed(hons.) awaiting for my graduation. Through out my academic life I have been interested in reading fiction books. But it was my hons. Program when I started having interest in non-fiction. It was my first semester when one of my professor gives us the assignment related to child development and their education, though at that time I just made a brief chart, but since then I am having multiple ideas to write on that topic.

As I was looking for opportunities to learn proper professional writing so that I can compile at least my first book, and also learn the technicalities of publishing, my search lead me to Alpha book publishers. I hope during this internship program, I will hone my writing and publishing skills and would be able to complete my first ever project under guidance of expert. As I am associated with the field of education, I am more interested in the non-fiction genre where I present the unique ideas of education. But in future I may also want to work on a few fiction books for age 7+ where I bring moral stories for my young readers as through my experience in teaching I have figured out that storytelling is one of the best way to teach any thing.


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