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Meira Mutagaana - Intern

 Devon Burton Intern at Alpha Book Publisher

A Little Bit About Me

My name is Meira Mutagaana and I’m a twenty-one year old from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Growing up I was always on the go-if I wasn’t at school, you could find me gymnastics where I spent nearly thirty hours a week practicing. Thankfully for me, my gymnastics club was settled just down the road from a Barnes & Noble bookstore that I frequented often with my mom after practice. This was when I started reading athlete autobiographies- the first time I realized how much I loved to read.

As I progressed into my highschool years, I began to realize that I enjoyed writing even more so than reading. My school had an amazing English department which played an integral role in improving my writing skills, thanks to the dedication of two very inspirational teachers. They emphasized how the art of revision and creativity go hand-in-hand, a process that has proved invaluable as I’ve progressed in my university studies. Through this experience, English quickly became my favorite and strongest subject in school. Through the four years of highschool I quickly realized that while I’m decent at writing in most forms, creative writing was where I thrived. Through projects like mini-memoirs and short story assignments, I began to hone my voice as a young writer.

Now in my senior year of college, not much has changed. I still enjoy writing and reporting real-life events and stories equally as much as I enjoy writing realistic fiction. My reading choices are no different, I enjoy autobiographies the same as I did a decade ago, and I will never pass up a thriller romance recommendation that comes my way. As I no longer partake in as many activities as I used to, I spend a lot of my free time writing poetry and short stories that I share with my friends- it is truly one of my favorite things to do. While I’m very indecisive about what exactly I’d like my career to be, I definitely see a published work somewhere in the timeline!


I am a senior at Ohio University studying communications and social media. Within my studies I’m required to write in various styles including research, editorial, and creative! My interest in writing began in highschool and ultimately helped me choose communications as my major.

I was interested in pursuing an internship with Alpha Book Publisher because I wanted to learn more about the expectations for writing and editing in a professional setting. Through this internship I hope to improve my editing skills and learn what truly makes a great writer.


I am mainly interested in thrillers, romance, and sports when it comes to both reading and writing. In the future I hope to work in the sports industry and write in some capacity, whether that be journalism, books, or otherwise! 

Once I am more established in my career, I hope to share my knowledge through literature and become a published author.


I do not currently have any publishing experience!


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