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Review About Omni Publications

Randy Chambers 3 reviews 3 years ago RE: Satan, Prince of this World, Willliam J. Carr So many thanks for publishing this tome of 100% truth that only a Born Again Christian in possession of the Holy Spirit (believer) can accept as truth. Unfortunately, non-believing readers are not able to comprehend because all the facts revealed in the tome are so spiritual in nature, of which, non-believers have a propensity to reject said facts; indeed I know, because up until 1974 I was a non-believing atheist. As a Christian and an amateur historian of Ancient, American and European history, including all of the wars and the politics that instigated them, Satan, Prince of this World further clarified what I already knew of as a result of the study of tens of other tomes on the subject matter. However, in 1956, Mr. Carr was ahead of his time in helping to share with the world the facts of the Luceferian "Internationalism" conspiracy. Henceforth, thanks to numerous Christian authors and publishers, revealed to the world Biblical prophecy regarding the Luciferian-lead conspiracy to lead the world to the End Times Great Tribulation scenario that Mr. Carr delineates. Indeed, woe to those who reject Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior until their passing. Like



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