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Reviews About Christ for the Nations INST

I absolutely love CFNI. This place dwells in the Spirit of Our Father. I fell in love with the Lord here. Their biblical teachings and foundation is great. The leadership is great and trustworthy which is honestly hard to find in churches today. So many ministry opportunities associated with CFNI. Also, so many wonderful people are here. I'm currently in my 2 year here & I love it all. The worship here is like no other. If you think the Lord is calling you here, go for it!

A great community that gives you room to ask questions and learn! I made lifetime friends and I will always treasure my time here.

This is an outstanding place to go to get a Bible education, foundation for life, and training for ministry in worship, pastoral, missions, youth. Credits from CFNI transfer to several other universities including Dallas Baptist and ORU. This is a seasoned staff who loves the the Lord and His people. You can't find a better place to spend 2-3 years in preparation for LIFE and ministry!

We did not live on campus, and I know the rules are strict. So if that is something you don't want, then you may want to live off campus. As for the rules regarding kissing for an engaged couple, it is to protect the single students, as it is hard for them to watch. You are there to be immersed in God's greenhouse and it will change your life. Yes, they promote students to be great lovers of God, and to the point they are not part of the Babylon society around us, hence the movie rules. We go to CFNI to be world changers, a holy nation, forerunners, a people set aside for His purposes and for a season we submit to the authority there, as unto the Lord. There will always be a leader in an institution that large that is "over the top". Pray that person is addressed. We attended for two years and it changed our lives.

I was a student at CFNI a couple years ago. Honestly, it was a disappointment. It's a great school if you become one of the dean's favorites or if you love legalism. However, this school moreso, made me question my beliefs.

I'm generally someone that keeps rules, and someone that loves God but some of the practices at CFNI were not only extremely legalistic, but also cult-like.

I had issues with RA's sending me back home for wearing fashionable, professional looking shoes that just didn't have enough heel, causing me to be late for chapel. I had an RA hunt me down to lecture me over procedures for staying at fellow students (of the same sex) dorm when my father had had a heart attack and I was in tears. And instead of her asking why I was crying she had to make sure I followed the rules.

I had friends that were engaged, because they had KISSED before marriage while being students, they were not only put on probation but had to give the engagement ring to the dean. Not just that! But they had to not talk to each other AT ALL for the rest of the semester. I know another couple, personally, that went through similar punishment for kissing before marriage. And there's even more that have.

However, some of the professors were mind blowing in how great they were which made the school almost worth it. And, I suppose, for that I recommend living off campus if possible.

I will say, the dean of families, and the assistant dean of men are great people. And it's sad because some leadership is really awesome, but there were many that left a foul taste in my mouth and others that have attended CFNI.



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