If you're an author looking for a publisher, signing with Red Sage will be a regrettable decision. I signed with them in December of 2014 and my novel was released in November of 2016 in an e-book format only.
It was my understanding that the book would be in print and that the publisher would help with marketing. My book was never announced and they refuse to provide me with print copies, even though I have offered to cover the cost. They also refuse to allow me to print the book.
Before signing with Red Sage, I had a book cover already designed and spent thousands of dollars on editing. I had a print copy that I sent out for reviews and received great feedback. I did not need to sign with them, but I wanted help with marketing.
I reached out to their marketing department several times between 2014 and 2016 and was continually told to wait. I never heard from them after September of 2016.
Since my book is not selling because I have no copies to market, I have requested the return of my book rights several times and have even offered to pay for the rights. My emails have been ignored. A certified letter was answered today, stating they NEVER return author rights.
Over 20 fellow authors wrote to Romance Writers of America and nothing was done to help us regain our rights.
Don't sign with them!
Worst company ever! If you're an author, avoid them at all cost. They don't treat authors well and they don't respond to any of the authors. The editors' English language must be their third language, editing is horrible. They prefer to hold on to your book for no reason but to just to have it. They refuse to return rights even though they're unprofessional and their customer service is horrible. Pretty much you have to do all the work, marketing, designing your cover and pay someone else to edit your book. If you want to publish, I suggest looking somewhere else.