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Shanedra Smith - Intern

 Devon Burton Intern at Alpha Book Publisher

A Little Bit About Me

I do a lot of writing for my degrees, and the writing has helped inspire a love for writing that first developed when I was a young child. I loved writing papers and reports for my classes while obtaining my Associates in Arts degree from Houston Community College, and I am still pursuing my Communications degree in Media which involves a lot of writing as well.

I am excited to pursue this internship, because I want to learn more about the book publishing process. I have written books in the past, and while they are a joyful experience, I want to better my knowledge and skills in this area. I hope to learn the ins and outs of publishing as well as turning an idea into a physical, excellent book.

I am passionate about stories. I see myself bringing value to the publishing industry by providing it with stories that are worth reading and provide values and morals. I hope to publish a book a year in the future. I would love for my book writing to become a business and I support myself financially through it, while giving my skills to younger people so they may learn how to be writers and published authors as well.

I have worked for a newspaper/magazine, and have always been intrigued and involved in writing in some way. I have a blog, Shanedra Writes Too Much, where I blog about important topics to me, in the Houston, Texas area.


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