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Top Book Publishers in Ankara

If you’re looking to publish a book in Turkey, there are some important things to keep in mind. Here are some of the top book publishers in Ankara.

Timas Publishing Group, which consists 7 different publishing houses, is the leader of the Turkish publishing market with more than 2500 titles total and 300 titles per year including children, history, politics, pschology, islam, philosopy and so on.

Evrensel Publishing House

Founded in 1988, Evrensel Publishing House is one of the most prestigious book publishers in Turkey. The company offers services such as printing, distribution and sale of books in different genres, including fiction, non-fiction, children’s and young adult literature. The publishing house has more than 700 titles in its collection and is a member of the Turkish Publishers Association.

In recent years, the company has published hundreds of titles in the fields of science, religion and history. It also provides a wide range of services such as book packaging and shipping to customers around the world.

The International Publishers Association (IPA), which represents 64 national publishers’ associations in 59 countries, has condemned the state closure of yet another Turkish publishing house. It says the government’s expanded state of emergency powers have led to the shutting down of two news agencies and 10 newspapers, as well as three periodicals published by Doga Basin Yayin, with which Evrensel Publishing House is affiliated: arts magazine Evrensel Kultur, political journal Ozgurluk Dunyasi and Kurdish-Turkish culture magazine Tiroj.

According to the IPA, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is using the state of emergency to target writers and artists and to suppress criticism of his government. PEN’s research director James Tager and interim Washington director Dokhi Fassihian write in a 19-page report, Cracking Down on Creative Voices: Turkey’s Silencing of Writers, Intellectuals and Artists Five Years After the Failed Coup, that Turkish authoritarian leaders have “quickly moved to purge those they consider a supporter or sympathizer with the coup attempt, and have used repressive, society-wide measures to silence their critics.”

The IPA is calling for the immediate release of seven Cumhuriyet journalists and executives who are charged with terrorism, as well as the release of scores of writers and authors. It is also urging the Turkish government to end sweeping state of emergency restrictions on media freedom and to ensure the freedom of expression in all of Turkey’s regions. The IPA’s Freedom to Publish Committee is working with a host of sister international organizations to monitor court proceedings against Cumhuriyet journalists and managers.

Gunisigi Kitapligi

A top book publisher in Ankara, Gunisigi Kitapligi publishes a variety of books in the field of politics, culture and literature. Its collection includes novels, collections of essays, memoirs and autobiographical works.

The publishing house has a number of well-known authors under its wing, including Cetin Altan and Fadime Uslu. These writers offer an array of political, social and cultural analyses of the Turkish society.

Founded in 1996, the company's main aim is to provide its customers with high quality publications at competitive prices. They also aim to promote a free and democratic society by offering books that are based on truth, equality and justice.

They have a dedicated staff of experts who provide a wide range of services, such as editing, proofreading and formatting. They can also help with the design and printing of your book.

For example, if you have a novel written in Arabic or Urdu, they can translate it into English for you. They can also print it on a high-quality paper and bind it.

Additionally, they can offer an excellent range of books for children and teens. They even have a special section for children with autism and other disabilities.

Their collection of children's books is a great choice for parents who want to read their children something that will help them develop their reading skills and boost their confidence. They are available in various themes and have a lot of beautiful pictures that will make them enjoy the book.

As for the fiction books that they publish, they focus mainly on Turkish literature. They also offer Turkish novels, memoirs and essays that deal with the social and political situation of the country as well as with contemporary issues in Turkish society and culture.

They have a number of different authors under their wing, so you can easily find what you're looking for. In addition to that, they have a number of other books for kids, including the popular series The Adventures of Ozbey and the Mysterious Island.

The publishing house has a great selection of books for students and adults, and they even offer the option to download e-books as well. This allows you to read your book on the go, and it's a great way to learn new things.

Tubitak Popular Science Books

Tubitak Popular Science Books publishes non-academic books that make scientific discoveries more accessible to a wider audience. Its publications include books about science, scientific experiments and the process of research. These books are designed for general readers and can be read in any language.

As part of its mission to promote science and technology, TUBITAK provides scholarships for students and organizes contests to discover young scientists. It also supports university-industry collaborations and research projects. It also publishes scientific journals and books that make science accessible to the public, as well as magazines for children and students.

TUBITAK also conducts scientific research and develops science policy in Turkey. The organization has 15 research institutes where it conducts contract and targeted research, as well as national-wide research. TUBITAK also works to implement international agreements, such as the EU's Horizon Europe programme, which is designed to support research and innovation activities with a budget of 95.5 billion euros between 2021-2027.

In the past, TUBITAK has funded a number of scientific conferences and workshops on topics ranging from biology to genetics. In addition to this, it has also organized a series of science fairs for students and teachers at various schools.

The agency has also been a sponsor of TEKNOFEST, a science and technology festival that brings together researchers, students and companies in order to raise awareness about technological innovation in the society. During the event, TUBITAK aims to promote the development of Turkish science and technology and to increase the country's industrial capacity.

But in a recent dispute with the country's top science funder, TUBITAK has reportedly rejected a funding application for a summer workshop on quantitative evolution because "evolution is a controversial subject." This is the first time the Turkish government has admitted to bias against evolutionary biology. It is causing a stir among scientists in the country.

Scientists say TUBITAK's decision has made them doubt its professionalism. It has also led to protests from a group of young researchers and the Universite Konseyleri Dernegi (Association of University Councils), which represents university professors. In a letter to TUBITAK, the Universite Konseyleri dernegi called for Cebeci to resign.

Agora Books

Located in the capital of Turkey, Ankara, Agora Books is a progressive and leftist publishing house that publishes a variety of works including the popular New Left Review. They also produce several anthologies and short fiction, among others.

The company specializes in books on science, history and politics as well as the arts. They have a good selection of titles on these subjects, including many translated from foreign languages.

In addition to the best selling novels by Turkish writers, they also offer a wide variety of scholarly works that range from classical art to modern scientific studies. They have been around since 2001 and have a large list of publications to choose from.

They also offer a variety of free services, including online book reviews and newsletters. They can help you with any of your literary needs and provide a valuable service to authors in Turkey and abroad.

Their website offers a free library of books and audiobooks that can be downloaded, as well as a wealth of information on the company and its authors. They have a number of authors and titles available to choose from, including Arundhati Roy, Tariq Ali, Donna Haraway, Eric J. Hobsbawm, Robert Fisk and many more.

Among the best known literary works from this publisher is Zulfu Livaneli’s Serenade for Nadia, which has been published in more than 37 languages and won numerous awards. It was adapted into a film and stage play, and is considered one of the most influential novels in Turkish literature.

Another acclaimed novel was The Eunuchs of Constantinople, which won a number of awards and is widely read and admired by people across the globe. It is a political thriller that is based on the Turkish Revolution of 1908, and is set in a modern day Istanbul, where an ordinary man becomes a hero in the face of an oppressive government.

Other notable works include The Quick and Dirty Guide to Writing a Novel (which can be found on Amazon), and the Seventh Star: An Unfinished Story, which was a finalist for the Best Novel of the Year award at the Crime Festival in 2009. Their website features a number of interesting perks, including a free download of their most recent novel and an extensive bibliography.

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