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Top Book Publishers in Hong Kong

Hong Kong has long been a regional publishing center, supported by a highly developed printing industry. However, digitalization accelerated during the Covid-19 pandemic and many e-book distribution platforms were set up.

As a result, Hong Kong's book market has been shaken to the core. Independent publishers have stopped writing, books have been pulped and distributors have turned their backs on politically sensitive titles.

Seashore Publishing Company (Hong Kong)

Seashore Publishing Company (Hong Kong) is one of the leading publishers of cookbooks in Hong Kong. It has published more than 600 titles in a wide range of genres, with authors from famous artists to head chefs and nutritionists. It also publishes books on health, beauty, entertainment and recreation.

The publishing industry in Hong Kong is mainly centred around the production, marketing and distribution of newspapers, magazines and books. It is a regional printing and media hub, with international publications such as The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Dow Jones Publishing, Bloomberg and Nikkei Business Publications having their offices or headquarters in Hong Kong. The thriving printing industry, liberal attitudes towards the press and satellite communications have made it attractive to international book and newspaper publishers looking to establish regional offices in Asia.

A wide range of books are published in Hong Kong, including general fiction, popular children’s stories, manga and anime, management and self-help books, and books aimed at Chinese readers. The Hong Kong Book Fair is a major event for the industry and draws over 830,000 attendees each year.

In addition to its print products, Hong Kong’s publishing industry is also expanding its digital services and activities. E-book sales are gaining popularity and many renowned publishers, regional newspapers, local newspapers and bookshops have set up online stores or e-commerce platforms. The Covid-19 outbreak last year sparked a number of bookshops to experiment with new digital sales and marketing methods, which could become more significant in the future.

Longman Hong Kong Education (LHKE)

Longman Hong Kong Education (LHKE) is a subsidiary of Pearson, the world’s largest media company. Its flagship product is the Longman lexicon, a series of ten books that contain vocabulary, grammar and idioms relevant to students of varying ability levels. In addition to the book line, LHKE also offers a wide range of online courses and learning materials for all ages. The company has a rich history of producing the best in class textbooks, dictionaries and other language teaching resources. It also has a strong commitment to innovation and technology and was one of the first companies in the industry to produce a digital dictionary. Its latest endeavor is Longman Plus, a one-stop intelligent education solution for the Hong Kong K-12 market. It’s a great way to help teachers deliver lessons that are fun and engaging for students.

Hillway Culture

During the past few years, the annual Hong Kong Book Fair has become one of Asia’s largest book shows. Its reputation as a bastion of publishing freedom was bolstered by its ability to showcase politically sensitive and controversial books, including those outlawed on the mainland under communist rule.

But as Hong Kong’s authorities tighten control on freedom of expression, a number of publishers have decided to avoid heavy political content in an effort to preserve their businesses. In particular, books about the 2014 pro-democracy protests that resulted in thousands of arrests have been largely disappearing from the shelves.

Independent publishers are also becoming more aware of the risk of violating a national security law imposed by Beijing on Hong Kong last year, which restricts freedoms not found on the Chinese mainland. A handful of local publications have gone out of business, while others are focusing on selling books about other political events, like the 1989 Tiananmen Square crackdown or the Cultural Revolution in China’s 60s.

As a result, the number of political books on display at this year’s fair is significantly lower than the previous two. Vendors are curating their selections carefully to avoid violating the law, which came into effect in June 2020.

According to Jimmy Pang, a local publisher who used to sell books about the 2014 protests that became known as the “umbrella movement”, many of his books that were critical of the government have disappeared from the shelves. He said that every vendor would read through the books they bring to the fair to see if they were sensitive or could cause trouble.

He also believes that authors must think a lot about whether they can get published in the current context. Author Gabriel Tsang, who collaborates with publisher Spicy Fish Cultural Production Limited, said that the issue of censorship had to be taken into account when writing in the current political climate.

Hui Ching, research director at the policy think tank Hong Kong Zhi Ming Institute, said that the government should be more explicit and transparent about what kinds of activities are allowed. This could help to ensure that citizens have more confidence in the legality of their actions.

One of a Kind

In the wake of several unprecedented changes, Hong Kong readers and writers have acquired a new interest in exploring their city's history. The proliferation of books on colonial figures, societal events and relics not covered in school textbooks has drawn visitors to the city's independent bookshops.

The rise of independent publishing in Hong Kong is a phenomenon that's gaining prominence across Asia. While many Asian publishers rely on traditional Western methods to promote their titles, some are taking a more creative approach. One of these publishers is One of a Kind Publishing, founded in 2006.

This company publishes non-fiction books and fiction for adults and children alike. They specialize in literary, social and travel books. They also offer a variety of promotional products and services to enhance their clients' brand image.

Their publications are also available in English. The company has a wide range of titles, including children's novels, comics, biographies and historical fiction.

Although it’s a small publisher, One of a Kind has made a name for itself in the local market. It has a large customer base, and they regularly sell out of their titles.

But the company has also faced challenges in recent years. In July, they were accused of breaching national security law because of their participation in the city’s annual book fair.

According to a letter they received, the HKTDC was concerned that the books they were selling at the fair may have violated national security laws. The publisher was told that three of their titles — Dark Night in Yuen Long, a novel about a mob attack on July 21, 2019; and a book by internet writer Lewis Lau — contained content that could cause harm to national security.

The letter said that the books could be viewed as "seditious" because they promoted independence for Hong Kong. The titles featured cartoons of wolves and sheep, which the Hong Kong government says incite anti-government hatred.

These accusations are a serious setback for freedom of expression in the city. A recent report by Amnesty International called the use of sedition charges against these five individuals an absurd example of the disintegration of human rights in the territory.

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