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Top Book Publishers in Kunming

The Chinese mainland has an extensive network of publishing companies. In the early days of the planned economy, these companies mainly operated from their home bases with editing, design, printing and distribution done locally.

With the transformation to a market economy, many of these publishers were forced to adapt their business strategies in order to remain competitive. These publishers include the Hebei Education Press, Liaoning Education Press and Jiangsu Education Publishing House.

1. People’s Literature Publishing House

PLPH, which is a member of China Publishing Group Corporation, has a large number of publishing resources and is known to be a reliable publisher among readers. It has established good relationships with many foreign institutions and copyright agencies and introduces a wide range of literary works, from all-time classics to the latest titles by domestic writers and international bestsellers.

It also offers a wide variety of services including editorial, printing and distribution. Currently, PLPH publishes over a thousand book titles each year. In addition, it owns five magazines and journals namely: Contemporary, New Literary History, Selection of Chinese Literature, Chinese Learner’s Companion and Cool Writing.

2. Writers’ Publishing House

A large-scale publishing house in mainland China, the Writers’ Publishing House was established in 1953 and is attached to the Chinese Publishing Association (Zuo Jia Chu Ban Xie Hui). It publishes mostly contemporary literature and has published several bestselling novels.

Its biggest success was the 2000 book Harvard Girl, which spent 16 months at the top of the bestseller list and sold over 3 million copies. Other popular titles include Notes from Mountains, The Horse Whisperer (translation), and Sophie’s World.

The company also publishes lifestyle books, which cover fashion, home, cooking, entertainment, games, travel, self-help, health, sports, pets, hobbies, collecting or any topic related to everyday living.

In addition, a motley group of Kunming expats meets regularly to discuss and vote on books to read, usually around a local cafe or bar. The meetings are always a fun way to socialize and the books on offer are often a mix of classics and modern fiction, including everything from Jeffrey Archer to Sebastian Faulks.

3. Hebei Education Press

Hebei Education Press, a member of the China Education Publishing House Association, is a state-owned enterprise specializing in textbook publishing and the distribution of educational materials. It has been operating for over 100 years and provides a variety of products and services to students, teachers and the general public.

There are 22 categories of Chinese books, including social sciences, science and technology, literature and art, children’s books, Chinese classics, and reference and encyclopedia. Some publishers also classify books by trade and professional.

There are about 20 publishers specializing in social science books, and some of them have accumulated assets in the hundreds of millions of RMB. The most prominent are the Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, People’s Education Press, Tsinghua University Press, Peking University Press, Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, Fudan University Press, Central Party Literature Publishing House, and Sichuan People’s Publishing House.

4. Liaoning Education Press

Liaoning Education Press offers a wide range of education books in all educational levels. These include primary, secondary, and college textbooks as well as ELHI teachers’ training materials.

The Company has a competitive distribution network and owns chain stores in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Xiamen. It also owns printing factories.

Its publishing scope covers medicine, medical science, natural sciences, social science, and ancient Chinese classics. Its products are available in print, audio, and digital formats.

5. China Light Industry Press

As the most dominant book publisher in China, China Light Industry Press offers services including publishing, editing, designing, printing, and distribution. Its portfolio covers a wide range of subjects, such as education, literature, culture, travel, entertainment, sports, health, hobbies, and collecting.

It also has a strong presence in the lifestyle book market. These books cover fashion, home, cooking, entertainment, games, travel, self-help, health, sports, pets, and hobby.

In addition, the publisher has an extensive portfolio of reference books, covering foreign languages, history, culture, and literature. The company has published more than 6,000 titles, and it’s a leader in the Chinese language reference book market.

In addition to the publishing of traditional Chinese literature, it has been a major force in promoting translation and cultural exchange between China and the rest of the world. Its titles, such as Notes from Mountains and The Horse Whisperer (translation), have become bestsellers in the Chinese literary world.

6. Jindun (Golden Shield) Publishing House

The illustrious Jindun (Golden Shield) Publishing House has been around since 1908 and is a veritable powerhouse of a publisher. A whopping 6,000 titles and 46 periodicals are published each year. The group also has a knack for creating some of the most memorable promotional pieces in the business. The group has a number of awards to its name and is the go-to source for local news and events. It also happens to be a major tourist destination in its own right. The group is well represented in Kunming, and there’s no shortage of top-notch hotels in the area. The best bet is to book early for the best price, and the money spent on accommodation will go a long way towards a better quality of life in the region.

The aforementioned tidbits of fun is the fact that there is a wide selection of reputable and inexpensive restaurants in the area to choose from, but if you’re looking to sample the local cuisine, a trip out to the city centre is a must.

7. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press

The Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press (FLTRP) is one of China's most famous and respected publishers. It has published books in a variety of languages and has a global presence.

It is known for its high quality teaching materials and academic works. It also offers professional training for tens of thousands of teachers every year.

FLTRP has become a pioneer in the development of publishing in China and is hailed as an "industry leader". It has expanded its global business, and promotes cultural exchange between China and foreign countries through publishing.

It has published a number of English books. These include New English Course, Book 1 and Book 2. It also publishes several other popular series including New Horizon College English, Book 5 and Intensive Listening.

8. Zhonghua Book Company

Zhonghua Book Company publishes and distributes a wide variety of titles in various genres. It also offers publishing services to other publishing houses.

Founded in 1912, Zhonghua Book Company is renowned for its high quality publications and learned editorial professionals. It has a strong publishing team and a large distribution network.

It specializes in translating and publishing Chinese culture including philosophy, literature, linguistics and history.

The publishing scope includes language reference books, popular readings, textbooks, students’ books, periodicals and local records.

In addition to traditional publishing, it has established a new business in digital publishing and services of Chinese traditional culture. Its databases are highly praised and widely used by libraries and research institutions in China and overseas.

9. China Travel & Tourism Press

China Travel & Tourism Press publishes books for tourists, especially those relating to China’s cultural heritage and natural landscapes. It also offers tours to popular tourist sites, as well as special packages focusing on the country’s ancient culture and revolutionary history.

Kunming is one of China’s most important horticultural centers and is world-famous for its flowers, particularly the camellia. The city also sports a number of other cultivated plants, including grain, wheat, horsebeans, corn, potato and peaches.

The city has been modernized in recent years and there are a number of large shopping areas and high-rise hotels. The public square outside the Workers’ Cultural Hall is a focal point and is home to weekend amateur theatre.

10. China Classics Publishing House

One of the most well-known book publishers in Kunming is China Classics Publishing House, which publishes a wide range of English language books. It also produces books in Chinese and foreign languages for children and adults, as well as bilingual magazines.

The company has won a number of awards for its translations of some of the best contemporary Western works in philosophy and the humanities. In the past few years, bestselling titles by the company have been Notes from Mountains (translated), The Horse Whisperer and Sophie’s World.

The company has also made a splash in the science book market with translated versions of Stephen Hawking’s popular books. Illustrated editions of A Brief History of Time and The Universe in a Nutshell have sold 150,000 copies each.

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