Rome has long been the capital of the book trade, so it is no surprise that some of the top book publishers in the world are based here. Read on to find out more about the most influential book publishers in Italy and what makes them tick.
They are passionate about printing books that challenge and break rules and conventions. They are interested in genres like translations, art, history, philosophy, literature, cultural studies and social issues.
Mondadori, a leading book publisher in Rome, is a traditional publishing house that has become a top choice for many famous writers. They have a long tradition of publishing works from all over the world and are known to pay special attention to local authors as well. They publish books that are a homage to Italian culture and tradition as well as those that represent the best of modern fiction.
In the mid-1980s, Mondadori undertook a restructuring effort to streamline its business structure. Among other changes, the company hired an outside manager who was highly regarded in Italy. This helped to stabilize the business and allowed it to begin generating profit again.
After the 1990s recession, the company refocused on its core businesses: books and magazines. The strategy was a success, and the company was able to increase its sales by 28% in 1996.
One of the most successful strategies was the development of new media. This included the creation of CD-ROMs and online magazines, as well as a number of other computer-related publications.
It also started to produce and distribute paperbacks. This helped to make it a leader in the market for inexpensive books.
In addition, the company developed a variety of other services that help to promote books and the industry as a whole. They include a mail-order service, direct marketing and a chain of bookstores.
They have partnerships with many publishers around the world, including Penguin, Conde Nast and Hearst Magazines. They also publish translations from a large number of foreign authors.
The company has a strong presence in the United States, as well as in Europe and Asia. Its holdings include newspapers, magazines, books, a publishing agency, advertising agencies, printing activities, direct marketing, bookstore retailing, and computer publishing.
While the company is a leading player in the book market, its publishing and media companies are also active in other areas, including television. Its Retequattro network, founded in 1980, is now owned by Fininvest and is a competitor with the RCS Media Group, which is one of Italy's largest broadcasters.
Citta Nuova Editrice
Citta Nuova Editrice is a top book publisher in Rome that focuses on religion, spirituality, science and history. They are also a great option for authors who wish to publish in the Italian language. They print fiction, non-fiction and literary translations in their catalog.
They are interested in authors that bring new perspectives to their topics and encourage readers to think critically about the subjects they write about. They also work hard to provide a variety of genres that appeal to a wide range of audiences.
Their catalog contains books on art, literature, philosophy, religion, history and other topics. They also offer a variety of services such as printing and delivering books. They also publish e-books and have a number of online resources for readers.
As an Italian publishing house, they focus on preserving and promoting the country’s rich culture by translating works from foreign languages into Italian. They have an excellent reputation for finding and introducing talented writers from all over the world. Some of the authors they have published include Salman Rushdie, Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Mauro Corona.
They have a wide variety of genres in their catalog and are known for bringing in contemporary Western authors to be available in the Italian market. Their catalog includes books on topics such as political theory, human sciences and linguistics.
This is a traditional publisher that has been around since 1955. It is a large and successful business and has published over 17,000 titles. They also print books for professionals in a range of fields such as management techniques, professional speaking, corporate guides and logistics. They also publish books for kids and teens.
Another Rome based publisher, Alberti prints books that discuss culture, art and local history. They have a great selection of books on the country’s famous monuments, museums and architecture. They also have children’s books, guides and photography.
The Metaxy journal is another publication from this Rome-based company that is dedicated to the study of art and its relationship with philosophy, religion and science. It also explores issues such as human rights and the environment. You can submit your manuscript to this publisher via email after reading their submission guidelines.
Ats Italia
Ats Italia is a Rome based publisher that specializes in art books and touristic editions. The company's catalog includes titles about famous monuments and classic architecture in Italy. Their catalog also covers subjects like religious books, children's literature and guides on history, local culture and art.
The company was founded in 1988 and its books have been translated into 13 languages. The authors behind this Rome based publisher have a passion for history and art. They have published books on the Vatican Museum and Fabric of St Peter in the Vatican among other things.
In addition to book publishing, Ats Italia is an expert in the production of postcards, calendars and posters. Their publications are available in a variety of languages and can be purchased on their website.
Europa Editions publishes international authors in English. Founders Sandra Ozzola Ferri and Sandro Ferri are both Italian and live in New York. They also operate in Rome and London.
Sandro Ferri, Co-Founder, was born in New York in 1952. He has lived and studied in France and Italy. He is a professor of French and Italian at the University of Rome and has a degree in literature. He is the author of several books and he has won multiple literary awards.
A small publisher that focuses on creative ideals, Donzelli is interested in pursuing new ideas and exploring them in a creative way. They accept poetry, fiction, stories, history, politics, nature and social sciences. They are not looking at Italian contemporary fiction but they will consider new translations of classic works that have been neglected.
The company's founders were motivated to start a publishing house that would give Italians a taste of global values. Their mission was to mix culture and literature so they could open dialogues and engage in important debates.
They print autobiographies, translated works, biographies, philosophy, illustrated books and other genres. They accept submissions via email and you can read their submission guidelines here.
Ats Italia has a team of professionals who are ready to help you with your manuscript. The team can assist you with all aspects of the publishing process, from proofreading to designing the cover. The team also provides translation services, so you can submit your manuscript in English if you are not native speaker of the language.
Editrice il Sirente
Founded by an author who loves Italy, Editrice il Sirente prints books that delve into culture, religion, history, art and politics. It is a book publisher that fuses commercial demands with social beliefs to produce books that make a difference in the world. They have an extensive catalog of books and e-books and you can submit your manuscript or proposal using their online form.
They print fiction and non-fiction works about politics, literature, the arts, science and linguistics. They also have an impressive roster of international authors who translate their work to Italian audiences.
Their website offers a wealth of information about the company and you can read their submission guidelines before sending your manuscript. Their catalog includes the prestigious RCS Media Group and they accept unpublished, new voices with open arms.
The company is renowned for their translations of the best classics and popular foreign works. They have a dedicated team of editors who are committed to finding the next big thing in Italian literature.
They publish a range of genres such as comics, literature, languages, art, communication, religion and theology. They also have a plethora of guides to art, photography, religion and history.
This Rome based publishing company has a keen eye for finding and showcasing emerging talent. They are also a strong supporter of local writers and their works are often printed alongside famous foreign ones.
With a focus on the arts, they have published numerous award-winning films, theatre plays and novels that were not available in English. They have a dedicated team of editors and you can contact them for more information on their submission process.
Another top book publisher in Rome is O Ecole francaise de Rome, an institution that has three acclaimed journals and over 200 e-books. They also publish the work of important scholars and scientists in a wide range of subjects.
Their prestigious list of books includes the likes of Shakespeare and Mozart. They are a leading book publisher in Italy and have a great reputation for promoting international culture.
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