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Top Internship Jobs in Fresno County California

If you’re looking to get your feet wet in the working world, there are many great internships available in Fresno County California. These internships will give you on-the-job experience and help you decide if a particular career is right for you.

There are also opportunities to participate in paid summer internships with local employers in growing industries. These internships are a great way to bridge the gap between school and a job after graduation.

UCSF Fresno Summer Biomedical Internship Program

The UCSF Fresno Summer Biomedical Internship Program is a research-intensive internship that pairs high school students with faculty members to conduct projects that enhance their understanding of biomedical science. Your gift will help make it possible for more young people to join these programs and gain valuable experience in health care.

The SBI program began in 1988 and was designed to provide a unique biomedical research experience for exceptional high school students who are interested in the biological sciences and health professions. The program provides an opportunity to experience research at a higher level than is available in a college classroom, and to meet other students with similar interests.

In the course of their research, students are involved in all aspects of their project, from the initial idea to data collection and analysis. They also learn about the field of biomedical research, as well as how to conduct it.

This program is designed to prepare students for the future by providing them with a wide range of experiences that will help them determine their academic path. This includes interacting with the UCSF medical education staff and attending faculty, as well as meeting and working with patients from a variety of socioeconomic backgrounds.

Each student has an individual mentor, who is a faculty member, researcher, or other health care professional who works with the student to conduct their research. The mentor is responsible for guiding the student through the entire process and for providing support as needed during the research project.

The program consists of 9 students each year, who are chosen based on their scholastic abilities and personal interest in the fields of biology, biochemistry, and/or medicine. The selected students will be assigned to a clinical or research laboratory at one of several sites, including hospitals, private practices, clinics and the UCSF Fresno campus.

Students are expected to comply with all UCSF policies and procedures while they are on campus, including a mandatory volunteer orientation session. If they are required to take a TB (Mantoux) test, they will be able to do so at no charge.

One Fresno Youth Jobs Corps

If you’re looking to make a difference in the world around you, there are plenty of opportunities to do that in Fresno County. The city is home to several top internships, ranging from inside office positions in City Hall to field-work with the Public Works Department.

One of those programs is the new One Fresno Youth Jobs Corps, which offers livable wages and 14 different career pathways to help young people get into the workforce. This program, made possible by a $7.4 million state grant, focuses on hiring individuals 16-to-30 years old who may have difficulty finding employment and who can benefit from mentorships and other wrap-around services.

In addition to a number of career paths, the program also offers internships for aspiring teachers and counselors. In these roles, interns provide mentorship to students and can assist in classroom management, teaching and learning support.

Another of the top internships in the area is the Community Services Internship Program, which gives young adults an opportunity to learn and grow while working with a variety of programs and services that serve Fresno’s residents. The program provides paid, meaningful internships that allow you to build your skills, gain valuable experience and prepare for a future in public service.

The program is a collaboration between the California Volunteers office and local governments. Funded through the 2021-2022 California Comeback Plan, the program will focus on hiring low-income youth, youth who are unemployed or out of school and those who have been involved with the justice system, transitioned from foster care or have mental health and substance abuse issues.

As a result, the program is expected to create 1,800 jobs in the next two years. It will provide a combination of training, job placement and so-called wrap-around services such as mentorships, case management and resume preparation to help participants find employment.

In an interview with FOX26, Mayor Jerry Dyer said the program is intended to invest in young adults 16-to-30 years old who can have a hard time finding employment and who are in need of mentoring. These include youth who are homeless, timed out of the foster care system and who have faced addiction.

Fresno County Internship Program

Fresno County offers a variety of internship opportunities for students to get hands-on experience in their field of study. These internships can help students gain on-the-job training and professional experience, which will help them when applying for jobs after graduation.

Internships are available in a wide range of fields, including public service, administration, law enforcement, information technology, social services, public health, and engineering. There are also internships in many local colleges and universities.

In addition, the County offers general internship courses for high school students. These courses provide students with the opportunity to earn up to 20 elective credits while learning valuable employability skills.

The IMPACT (Implementing Multicultural Teacher Preparation) Program is approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and partners with a number of schools districts in Tulare, Kings, and Fresno Counties to prepare teachers for the classroom. The program engages interns in a rigorous teacher-training program with on-site mentors and district-specific professional learning activities.

During their two-year internship, interns work with school administrators and teachers to become familiar with the school environment. They also participate in professional development seminars and field experiences to learn about their area of focus and build confidence in their teaching skills.

As a result of the internship, the intern will be eligible for a California Teaching Credential. This program is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to become effective educators and help ensure that Fresno Unified continues to produce highly qualified and diverse teachers.

Students are required to commit to the internship for a minimum of 16 hours per week. Additional hours may be requested as needed.

The intern is expected to work in a cooperative fashion with the office staff, and to conduct business in a professional manner. An intern's failure to adhere to these standards will result in termination from the internship.

Interns may attend any training put on by the office, or they may choose to complete a self-study course that covers the legal process in California. They must complete their assignments in a timely manner and must report to their supervisors.

HCC Central Valley California Program

The HCC Central Valley California Program offers opportunities for high school students to gain real-world experiences and skills to prepare for college. It provides students with the opportunity to learn about the fields of healthcare, energy, agriculture, and law enforcement through hands-on experience and internships.

The HCC Program partners with health-related organizations and communities across the Central Valley, including Stockton, Madera, Merced, and Fresno. Internships are available in the following fields:

Research and Policy Analysis

The research internship is designed to help students understand, analyze, interpret, and communicate qualitative and quantitative data. In addition to learning the critical foundational skills needed to conduct research in a scientific environment, interns will have the opportunity to work with a team to achieve the project’s goals.

Community-based Research and Policy Development

The Central Valley Health Policy Institute is committed to advancing the development of policies and programs that address health equity issues in the San Joaquin Valley. To that end, we offer the Health Policy Leadership Program (HPLP) to provide professional growth and development opportunities for emerging local and regional leaders as they explore key issues in health policy.

Through HPLP, our team members and participants learn from nationally recognized health equity experts. They develop leadership and organizational capacity as they seek to build healthier and more equitable communities.

We are seeking applicants who have a passion for advancing the social determinants of health through community-based research, policy, and development efforts in the San Joaquin Valley. Interested students should contact Dr. Alcala at the Central Valley Health Policy Institute.

Health Career Connection

The HCC Central Valley California Program is an employment readiness initiative that pairs young adults with local employers in rapid growing industries. The goal is to prepare students for college and careers by providing them with hands-on experiences and mentoring. This program serves students from all local colleges and universities and is a great opportunity to get experience in your area of interest, meet new friends, and gain the skills and knowledge necessary for success.

We are currently recruiting for the 2019-2020 program. Interested candidates should send their resume and cover letter to Dr. Elaine Alcala at the Central Valley Health Policy institute.

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