Trafford Publishing has been the driving force behind the self-publishing revolution. Since 1995, their on-demand book publishing services have given voice to hundreds of thousands of authors who would have otherwise been resigned to silence.
Trafford is now a subsidiary of Author Solutions, which owns both AuthorHouse and iUniverse. They offer a number of self-publishing services, including editorial, design and production, marketing, and distribution.
Best Seller
Trafford Publishing has been a leading player in the self-publishing industry since 1995, and has served more than 17,000 authors worldwide. They offer a variety of self-publishing packages and can help you publish your books in hardcover or eBook format.
They also offer marketing services, including book reviews and advanced distribution. They also have bulk discounts on author orders.
The Best Seller Package is priced at EUR1049 for print ready files, and includes distribution, design, layout, a Trafford webpage, one round of copy-editing proofing before going to print, prominence at three international book fairs, and full colour promotional materials.
This is a great option for authors who want to get their books into the marketplace and onto the shelves of book shops. It’s also a great deal for authors who have print ready files but don’t know how to market their books.
It is very important to remember that the vast majority of profits from a Trafford published book will be taken off the retail price, less print and retailer discount costs. That’s a significant concern for any author.
However, they do have a Premium Best Seller package for EUR1419, which is a little more expensive but adds layout of fifty internal components as an ad on the front cover and full colour promotional materials.
Another option is the Signature package which is much more expensive at EUR4129, but offers unparalleled options in the POD publishing industry. This is for authors who are ready to take their book world by storm.
In short, if you want to be in the top 1% of book sellers you need to make sure that you have proper promotion. Unless you have a large following, you’re not going to be able to get the word out about your book.
As a result, it’s important to find an author solution service that will help you to get your book on the shelves of bookstores and into the hands of readers. You need a company that will provide you with high quality books and help you to promote them as well. You need a company that will give you the best value for your money.
The Signature package from Trafford Publishing is the ultimate choice for authors who want to go all out and have their book branded with the Gold Seal of Literary Excellence. This prestigious label entails submission of the book to the US Review of Books, one of the most respected and professional reviewers in the world.
They will then critique your work and offer a positive critique which can be printed on your cover. This can give your book that much sought-after stamp of excellence and will help to distinguish it from other self-published works.
Their Signature package is their most premium option, offering everything from design to distribution and full colour promotional materials. It includes interior and cover consultation, layout, a Trafford webpage, one round of basic copy-editing proofing before going to print (this can be refunded should you wish to), prominent at three international book fairs and, if you can afford it, advanced distribution through the Ingram Distribution Catalogue.
This package is more expensive than their other packages, but that's because they provide a lot more service for your money. They offer more design hours, higher-quality editing, a lot of marketing options, including a website and a blog, full colour promotional materials and even fifty author copies.
In addition, their Gold Seal Premium package enables your work to be externally reviewed by some of the best reviewers in the industry. This will give your book that much needed stamp of excellence and will be a great recommendation to the book industry, movie producers, and your readers.
There is also the fact that, unlike many other author solution services, they do not pay any royalties on their own sales - it is up to you to do that! This has a serious effect on the amount of royalties you receive and is not something that should be taken lightly.
If you decide to use them as your publishing partner, I advise you to shop around and compare their service with that of others, particularly those who offer a more holistic and comprehensive service, such as CreateSpace. This will give you a better understanding of the costs involved and allow you to make an informed decision on whether Trafford is right for you.
Taking the mantle for top dog in this nutty business, Trafford Publishing has its eye on a goldmine of golden nuggets in and around the Las Vegas area. It's no wonder that the company boasts a staff of over 40 in its offices near the strip and in the greater Las Vegas area. With a little luck, the company is able to turn out a good product - a quality product - on a consistent basis. Whether you're looking to write a book, make a movie, or just want to get your name out there - you can count on Trafford to help your dream become a reality.
When it comes to self-publishing, there are few companies with as much to offer to authors as Trafford Publishing. They are one of the largest author solution service providers in the world using print-on-demand digital print technology. They have a substantial presence in the UK and USA.
Their services include cover design and production, printing, legal registration, a website, book release announcement, six month listing in their catalogue and promotional materials. They also provide twenty free copies of the authors book for marketing purposes.
The Novelist package is a good start for an author who is serious about getting published. This package includes a variety of cover and internal templates, layout, ISBN, legal registration, a Trafford website, six months listing in their catalogue, promotion materials and twenty free author copies. This comes at a cost of EUR1239, and seems to be the first real practical package for authors to work with if they are serious about promoting and selling their books.
Another option is their Signature package, which comes at a cost of EUR1999 and is aimed at those authors who are looking to gain recognition as a leading author in their genre. This package includes a logo, an author bio, a website, a book release announcement, six month listing in Trafford’s catalogue, promotional materials and a logo for the book cover.
Some of the most recognizable names in the self-publishing industry are a part of the Trafford Publishing family. They include author Ralph Reynolds, who has written four Western novels based on the rich cultural heritage of New Mexico.
He has also worked as a journalist and political analyst for KCRA, Sacramento’s NBC affiliate. His books have received a number of awards, and his work has been featured in several television shows.
For him, the road to publication has been a long and winding one. But his determination and passion for writing paid off, and he has since become an internationally recognized author.
A man with a past, who struggled with alcoholism and addiction, Milton Luster eventually made his way to legitimate business and has since published his first novel. His story demonstrates that a person can achieve great things regardless of the circumstances surrounding them.