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Van DER PLAS Publications

About Van DER PLAS Publications

Van der Plas Publications / Cycle Publishing was started in 1997 with four books. Since then, we have introduced about 4 new books each year, and in addition to our “mainstay” of cycling books, we now also have books on manufactured housing, golf, baseball, and strength training. All interests in the business were transferred to Cycle Publishing LLC as of 1 January 2013.

Our offices are located in San Francisco, where we do editorial work, as well as administration, publicity, and design. Our books are warehoused in Kimball, Michigan, which is close to the companies that print most of our books and is conveniently located to supply our book trade distributors and the major book wholesalers. Our books are available through the general and Internet book trade as well as some specialty stores in the U.S., Britain, and Australia. However, because even the biggests stores can only stock a limited number of different books, the book you want may have to be special-ordered. That’s the reason we offer these books on this web site, giving you a convenient, quick, and secure way of buying the books that you may not find in your local book store. We can take orders both for U.S. destinations and abroad (please note the additional mailing options for foreign orders).

In addition to publishing books, our principal, Rob van der Plas, PE, a professional engineer with an intimate knowledge of the field, offers consulting services in the field of bicycle technology and safety issues. You can get relevant information by clicking “Consulting.” Or you can reach him using the "contact us" page. If you have any comments or suggestions — whether they are related to existing books, subjects you would like to see covered, or the contents of this web site — we will be pleased to hear from you, using the “Contact Us” feature on this page.

Cycle Publishing 1282 7th Avenue San Francisco, CA 94122 USA Tel: (415) 665-8214 To contact us by E-mail, please use the "Contact Us" tab on the left.



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