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What is the average book sales for new authors?

What is the average book sales for new authors?

Average Book Sales for New Authors

For new authors, average book sales can be relatively modest. Industry estimates suggest that the average self-published book sells about 250 copies over its lifetime, while traditionally published books by new authors might sell between 2,000 and 5,000 copies. These figures can vary widely based on genre, marketing efforts, and audience reach.

Earnings from Book Sales

Authors typically earn a percentage of the book's sales price, known as royalties. For traditionally published authors, royalties range from 5% to 15% for physical books and about 25% for eBooks. Self-published authors on platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) can earn between 35% and 70% royalties, depending on the pricing and distribution options chosen.

Average Earnings on First Book

The earnings from a first book depend on the advance and the royalties from sales. Advances for first-time authors generally range from $5,000 to $15,000. If the book sells well and the advance is "earned out," the author will start receiving royalty payments. With average sales of 2,000 to 5,000 copies, a new author might earn between $2,000 and $10,000 in royalties, in addition to the advance.

Book Sales for Best-Selling Authors

A best-selling author can sell significantly more books than the average author. To be considered a bestseller, a book generally needs to sell at least 5,000 to 10,000 copies in a week to make it onto lists like The New York Times Best Seller list. However, some best-selling books sell millions of copies over their lifetime.

Average KDP Book Sales

Books published through Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) have a wide range of sales. The average KDP author might sell around 300 to 500 copies, but successful authors can sell thousands or even tens of thousands of copies. The ease of entry and global reach of Amazon makes it an attractive platform for many self-published authors.

Average Book Sales on Amazon

The average book on Amazon, especially for new authors, might sell about 250 to 500 copies. However, books that receive good reviews, effective marketing, and visibility can sell significantly more. Amazon’s algorithm and promotional tools can greatly impact a book’s success.

Successful Book Sales Threshold

Selling 5,000 copies of a book is often considered a significant achievement for a new author. This number suggests that the book has found a reasonable audience and is performing well above the average. For traditionally published authors, selling 10,000 copies can be a benchmark for success.

Self-Published Book Sales Statistics

Self-published books generally sell fewer copies than traditionally published books. However, successful self-published authors can sell thousands of copies. The average self-published book sells about 250 copies over its lifetime, but with effective marketing and a strong platform, some self-published authors have sold millions of copies.

Average Book Deal for First-Time Authors

First-time authors can expect to receive advances ranging from $5,000 to $15,000. These advances are paid against future royalties, meaning the author won't receive additional royalty payments until the advance is "earned out" through book sales. Advances can vary widely based on the publisher, the book’s potential market, and the author’s platform.

Sales of Best-Selling Books

A best-selling book can sell tens of thousands to millions of copies. For instance, hitting the New York Times Best Seller list often requires selling at least 5,000 to 10,000 copies in the first week. Lifetime sales for best-selling books can range from 50,000 to several million copies, depending on the book's popularity and sustained marketing efforts.

Books Selling 100,000 Copies

Books that sell 100,000 copies are considered highly successful. Reaching this milestone indicates a significant level of market penetration and popularity. Many authors and publishers consider this a major achievement, reflecting strong sales performance and widespread reader interest.

Best-Selling Self-Published Books of 2023

In 2023, several self-published books have achieved notable success. These books often benefit from strong author platforms, effective use of social media, and targeted marketing campaigns. Best-selling self-published books can sell tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of copies, rivaling traditionally published bestsellers in some cases.

Is Selling 5,000 Copies of a Book Good?

Yes, selling 5,000 copies of a book is considered good, especially for new authors. This level of sales indicates that the book has found a substantial audience and is performing well above the average for new releases. It can also open doors for future publishing opportunities and increased visibility.


Understanding the average sales and potential earnings for new authors can help manage expectations and guide efforts in marketing and promotion. While the journey to best-seller status can be challenging, with dedication and effective strategies, authors can achieve significant success in their publishing endeavors.



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