About William Carey Publishing
Founded in 1969, William Carey Library (WCL) celebrates 50+ years of ministry. In the late 1960s, the faculty at Fuller Seminary’s School of World Mission saw the need to start a publishing function, in order to make the school’s steady stream of theses available to a wider audience. They asked Ralph Winter to figure out how to do that.
Dr. Allen Swanson, one of Dr. Winter’s students, recalled: “One day he [Dr. Winter] came into class waving a thesis manuscript in hand (mine) and announced what a tragedy it is to leave such writings to collect dust in library archives, and thus was born “mini-publishing” and the William Carey Library….” As a result, William Carey Library played an important role in getting out into the hands of missionaries and missiologists the incredible research and new insights that the school was producing.
Before long, the whole Winter family was running a publishing house, which evolved into a major contributor to the global church growth and frontier mission movements. After 50 year, WCL rebranded as William Carey Publishing but continues on in its legacy of publishing innovation on behalf of the Kingdom. To date WCP (and historical WCL) has published some 500 titles and sold over one million mission-related books, more than a quarter-million of which are through the Perspectives on the World Christian Movement program alone, which has been run in 38+ countries.
The WCP goal is to shape and advance the missiological conversation in the world.
Ralph Winter once made the observation that WCP is not in the book publishing business, but in the information business. We seek to be at the forefront of disseminating the essential knowledge the global Church requires to finish the task of world evangelization.
We especially seek to assist the work of mission executives, the field missionary, mission-minded churches, and the student of world mission along with the global body of Christ.
WCP Mission Statement:
With a sense of divine urgency and purpose, William Carey Publishing publishes resources that edify, equip, and empower disciples of Jesus to make disciples of Jesus and prompt breakthrough among unreached peoples.
William Carey Education
William Carey Education is our newest venture to provide a learning experience for lay people, practitioners and field worlders, as well as students of mission. These interactive online courses can be a way to begin your journey of understanding for a vast array of missiological subjects all in one convenient location.